Laying ducks prefer protein for a good reason: Do the math. Let's say you have a 3Kg duck
- which is a really heavy duck! She lays one egg per day and the egg weighs 60 grams, which is average, but a heavy duck would more likely lay eggs between 80 and 100 grams, but anyways… 60 ÷ 2000 = 0.03 = 3% That means your duck is loosing 3% of her body weight every day in mostly protein. Let's say your weight is 100Kg (just an example, no offense intended!!!) - you would have to cut 3Kg off your body every day. And not belly-fat, no, muscle tissue, protein…
On top of that you must pull out the bone from one of your fingers to extract enough Calcium to wrap that protein with a hard Calcium-Carbonate shell.

Just to put in perspective what our ducks accomplish almost every day. 😲
Awwww come on, I wanna give up belly fat and keep my finger bones, lol.
Happy Fake Monday to Everybody in the U.S.!
(we had a day off here yesterday)
Happy Second Monday to Everybody else!

Barely finished what i had planned to do yesterday, planting the Brassicas and Potatoes into the vegetables garden, before it started to rain again. It is raining on and off here since yesterday about 8pm. Ducks and ducklings love it but the PeaDuck hates rain. He found a new perching place on the railing of my work-platform, where he has a roof over his head.
I think he has found him a nice new home, Glad you don't mind keeping him.
It is very likely that the two black ducklings are pure bread Black Swedish. I have two Black Swedish hens and a Ralphie Dux (a mis-sexed duckling). Ralphie is my largest and strongest drake and keeps every other drake away from "his" ducks. - With the exception of Tweedledum Drake who grew up with him. But Tweedledum is a light breed and i don't see how he would be successful with a Black Swedish hen…
We'll see when they grow up.
The only solution to the "too many drakes" problem is ordering more ducks at a hatchery! Fortunately all my drakes are gentle with the ladies, with the exception of the Monty-Phytons. They are drakeholes…
What breed are the Monty-Phytons? Just curious and thanks for the information about your Black Swedish. I am sure that is what my one little Call Duck is. If you saw how little he was you would say "No Way" but where there is a will there is a Way. lol
Don't under estimate Tweedledum my friend because the daddy to mine is a Call and I don't have a single Call Hen. It wasn't from my Mallard as the egg was white and she lays light green. My Muscovy was the one with the muddy back so I think she might have been the Momma. I can see wondering Whose Your Daddy but I have to play instead, Whose Your Momma!!! LOL
Yes, as said: With ducks (and birbs) you don't even know for sure if the hatching bird is the biological momma…
I think he has found him a nice new home, Glad you don't mind keeping him.
We have started to communicate: I say Mr. PeaDuck here is something to eat for you, after i locked up the ducks and he comes and eats. 😜

I know nothing about how to care for pea-fowl and what they need, especially during the cold season.
We have started to communicate: I say Mr. PeaDuck here is something to eat for you, after i locked up the ducks and he comes and eats. 😜

I know nothing about how to care for pea-fowl and what they need, especially during the cold season.
And that's what the internet (and @casportpony ) are for!
What breed are the Monty-Phytons? Just curious and thanks for the information about your Black Swedish. I am sure that is what my one little Call Duck is. If you saw how little he was you would say "No Way" but where there is a will there is a Way. lol
Well, the Monty Pythons are a mix between a Fawn and White Runner Duck and a Buff Orpington Drake. - The four ducklings will have another group-name, like the "orphans" or the "cast-aways" - but only if they make it. They have attached themselves to the "Nasty-Ducks" - last year's duckling group (Karen is a member of) who are loud and challenging and so sweet. While i was sitting in the veggie garden yesterday, they walked around the whole fence-line, Ralphi Dux first, followed by the Ducks, follwed by TweedleDum, followed by four little ducklings. Everybody was quackering good advice in my direction, like »The green parts need to stay above ground!« or »Hand that cabbage plant over to us!«
Gosling! I am still not on the approved visitor's list so I have to snipe pictures of the baby through fencing, LOL. She's growing well, though!


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