Are you meaning mallard coring on a runner duck? here is a list of all the colors Runners come in.
Thank you my friend for all of this information. I have been able to determine that it is a Mallard duckling for sure. After looking it over really well I saw that the back toenail on the right foot had been removed. By law hatcheries have to do that on Mallards so that they can be proved that they are not a wild duckling as it is illegal to have them. I think it is just a plain Mallard duckling which is fine. It can run really fast but does not stand upright like it's little friend in with it the Fawn and White Runner duckling. It's hard to tell since it is only a week old for sure and I am not sure they would take the toenail off of a Runner Duckling Mallard. I didn't think to check the missing toenail until yesterday as my other two Mallards from Metzer Farms had theirs missing when I got them and it said online that was why.
Now that mama Joy have given up her rights to her ducklings my goose Missy has taken over. Doesn’t matter that they will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. She has her some babies♥️ 71477952612__B586D77C-31C8-4E0C-AF1D-205F62F493D4.jpeg IMG_2291.jpeg IMG_2290.jpeg
The two little ducklings helped me planting some last veggies into the raised beds and they did that using their entire little bodies, so after that was done, they urgently needed a bath:

Those two are like mayhem and disaster, when they are not busy pecking each other's eyes out, they try falling off the desk, shoot poop projectiles out of their back ends or puke when picked up. Not sure about names, Blister and Pukey or Mayhem and Disaster Duck.
I have some new arrivals!


The yellow ones are white chinese, and they'll be going to a friend. The darker ones are Africans, and I'll be keeping them. Tufted Romans are still my favorite breed, but they don't produce very many eggs. Enter the Africans, haha.

Unfortunately after this picture was taken, one of the Africans passed. They got delayed and shipping and didn't come until Saturday, and getting rehydrated was just too much for its body to handle. The rest though are doing okay, though one is smaller than the others and I hope it catches up soon growth-wise and isn't a failure to thrive situation.
They are so adorable! Wish they'd stay tiny a little bit longer.
After hatching and raising ducklings for the last two months, i wish they would grow a little faster! My left hand is cramping up from holding and covering ducklings and the fingers of my right hand hurt from doing all the typing that's usually done by two hands...
Encountered two new ducklings this morning in the duck-house without a momma duck around. No clue who hatched these but i'm going to figure that out after i cleaned the Incubator-Gang's bed-carpet…

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