Beautiful Birds!!!! You even have some green on the ground! I am amazed as there isn't a stitch of green in my pen where I keep my 13. If I left my water on like that I would have to sell the house to pay the water bill, lol.
I'm on a well, so no water bill! :)

I'm actually surprised there's still a bit of greenery, but I don't expect it to last much longer. They've started tearing down the less 'savoury' plants now, like burdocks. They've also been gorging themselves on all the windfall apples.
And they thought you did it just for them lol
Isn't everything we do just for them? :lau

And yet, they still demand more!
I'm on a well, so no water bill! :)

I'm actually surprised there's still a bit of greenery, but I don't expect it to last much longer. They've started tearing down the less 'savoury' plants now, like burdocks. They've also been gorging themselves on all the windfall apples.

Isn't everything we do just for them? :lau

And yet, they still demand more!
Lucky you have a well. I used to until they brough in city water. I like the water though and it tastes good so I won't complain. You have a beautiful setup for them. We have so many hawks that I have to be out with mine when they are out of the pen in the small grassy area I have for our two small dogs.
Nope, you can't convince me that one or two geese will be messier than 30+ ducks! :lau
Have you seen the amount of poop that geese leave behind? - I have been visiting the corporate headquarters in CA a couple of time, Bay Area, there are artificial ponds all across the business buildings areas and during the "warm" season (SFO!) those ponds are full of Canada Geese and the grass between the ponds is full of Goose nests and goslings. Walking from the parking areas to the office buildings is like walking through a mine field. Theres Goose poop everywhere! Maintenance told me the have to change the doormats twice per day to avoid poop showing up inside of the buildings.
Poor sweetie. Keep the skin hydrated, you may be able to save part of the webbing. If not, then make him a little flipper shoe. :)

Many years ago, I had someone take my cockatiel out of it's cage and it startled and flew into a pan of simmering ground beef. Poor Jake lost several toes, but he survived and did quite well with his handicap. He was thereafter known as Jake the Foot.
That's the reason why they most likely be named Chaos and Mayhem! - Guess Blister-Duck will be Mayhem then. Animals are really good in working around any handicap, there's a wild Mallard with a cripled foot around here, she has learned to limp really fast and has developed a "never back down" attitude that has earned her the respect of Ralphie Dux, the heaviest drake here. Iris Duck still has a cataract on her left eye, but you won't notice her while she is running around with her sisters. - And don't forget Mr. Limpy Drake, still limping around strong and healthy.

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