Time to Hang the Feeder


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
Texas Big Country
A couple of my white "?'s" are scratching half of it out of the feeder. I saw the food on the sides of my 12" x 12" feeder stand (it's a paving stone) a couple days ago and thought my daughter spilled some when she came in, and told me we were almost out of feed. What? Almost out? It's only been two weeks, and I had a 20# bag! Well, this afternoon I filled the feeder, and almost instantly saw two of my whites scratching it out. When I started digging around the base of the feeder I saw much more of it covered with pine shavings. No wonder I couldn't see it all.

Time to hang the feeder!

Fortunately, I planned ahead, and have the hooks ready. I haven't bought any chain for them (waterer and feeder) yet, so 550 cord it is.

Whoo, another milestone that came much quicker than I expected!

I changed from crumbles to pellets, finally. Amazing difference in how long it lasts!

Oh, wait - that's for my adult birds. I still use crumbles for the chicks, but yes, I hang the feeders.
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I'm using DuMor Chick Starter/Grower 20% as recommended by an experienced TSC rep. The chicks seem to love it, and they are growing (and growing, and GROWING!), so I know it works! Also, although they have scratched a bunch out of the feeder, I see them eating it more than scratching it. Unless of course they see me watching, and are just putting on a show!

Me - "How cute!"

Chick - "Pssst! Hey girls, look like you're eating, and enjoying this solid waste until he leaves!"


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