Toenails ripped off!


Apr 15, 2024
I noticed Saturday one of my hens toes were swollen and she was limping. I brought her in and we soaked her feet in Epsom salt, and I noticed she was missing a toenail completely and another is broken and bent straight up.

I’ve soaked her, sprayed her with medicine spray, cleaned out any infection looking things, and put bacatracin and wrapped it up. I unwrapped it today and the swelling is definitely less, but I’m wondering if I should try and remove the toenail that’s obviously broken off? I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t know if keeping the nail is painful either? I’ve attached a picture to show what I mean.

This is our first flock, and I’ve not had an injured hen yet! I hope I’ve done the right thing, but please be kind! She’s laying and eating and drinking and pooping, so I’m hoping it’s not too serious.


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I have had hens who liked to jump up on chainlink fencing and then dive over. One caught her toenail and ripped it off. It is safe to snip it off if it is just barely hanging. Your hen will have a very sore foot for a week or two, but she will be just fine. My hen’s toenail did not ever grow back, and that is common.
I seem to find out about most toenail injuries after my hens are all on the mend. I have a number of extremely short toenails at the moment on my hens, and some that grew back at a weird sideways angle, but they get along just fine. I have to clip their nails every 6 months or less to keep them a good length to minimize them getting caught. Some of my hens scratch in the dirt and wear their toenails down like they're supposed to, some of them don't. Some of them wear down half of their nails, but not all of them. Red-handled Millers Forge nail clippers are awesomely sharp and work great on both dogs and chickens. Also keep the quick-stop close by in case there's bleeding. Somehow I always manage to quick at least one nail.
I have had hens who liked to jump up on chainlink fencing and then dive over. One caught her toenail and ripped it off. It is safe to snip it off if it is just barely hanging. Your hen will have a very sore foot for a week or two, but she will be just fine. My hen’s toenail did not ever grow back, and that is common.
Would you keep it wrapped up or just let it be? I have blue-Kotex I can spray to protect it. It looks less swollen today

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