Too much protein?


12 Years
Apr 21, 2011
The only game bird food my local feed store (Murdochs) carries right now is 30% protein. Should I cut it with some chicken feed to lower the protein? They are just shy of 10 weeks and haven't started laying yet.

I feed my birds Fermented feed.

ETA - I have Regular Coturnix Quail.
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The only game bird food my local feed store (Murdochs) carries right now is 30% protein. Should I cut it with some chicken feed to lower the protein? They are just shy of 10 weeks and haven't started laying yet.

I feed my birds Fermented feed.

ETA - I have Regular Coturnix Quail.

Every game bird I raise gets the same feed you are describing, "purina game bird startena", their whole life.... 3 years for some..... Fermenting it you can feed less of it.... this is a "complete feed" and you need nothing else.....
If you are raising these birds for meat, 30% protein is what you want. Grows them quick and meaty. Birds kept as breeders need 30% protein as well.

If you are raising these birds as pets, for eggs and for longevity, you might want to feed 24% to 26%. 30% protein over the lifetime of a 5+ year old quail will cause gout. In this case you could cut the protein by either making a 50/50 mix with some chicken chick starter or give your birds a few more goodies during the day so they fill up on these bit more and eat a bit less of their gamebird food. Quail enjoy greens of all kinds, chopped veggies, quartered fruits, chopped tomato, shredded cabbage, peas in the pod, shredded carrots, corn on the cob, alfalfa leaves, grains and seeds, sprouts, etc...

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