

In the Brooder
May 1, 2024
Hello from a traumatized chicken mom. A dog killed my 8 hens but my Rooster made it. He is in shock and not eating or drinking that I can tell. I'm worried he won't make it because he has been with all the hens since they were chicks. They would have been a year old. I want to do whatever I can to save him and it's breaking my heart. I read some of your posts but wanted to find out specifically for my situation. He is all alone now in the coop.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC but wish it was on a happier note!

So sorry for what happened! That's devastating!

I would bring your rooster in the house and keep him in a dark warm place. If you have electrolytes like Hydro Hen or Save A Chick etc, give him some of that in his water. It will help him with the stress and shock he's feeling. If he won't eat, try some scrambled eggs or make his feed into a mash by adding water.
I'm so sorry for your losses. :hugs How long ago did this happen? If it was very recent, I would bring him inside to treat the shock. Try offering him sugar water and scrambled eggs and see if he is interested. Check him over for any injuries and watch his poops for blood that could suggest internal damage.

Do you know whose dog it was? How did it get into the coop?

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