Treating sour crop AND respiratory infection? Please help!


6 Years
May 6, 2013
White Bluff, TN
I have been trying to battle some type of respiratory infection for over a month now. Symptoms were minor- only a couple of the birds ever showed symptoms (sneezing, minimal rattle at night).
Now this morning I just got ahold of a hen whose crop looked suspiciously large for that time of morning. Sure enough in the scuffle to grab her she vomited this thick yellowish-white fluid and slung the stink all over my pajamas. (Should have known I couldn't have coffee on the porch without taking on a chicken task!)
Anyway, it feels like a big water balloon. I tried to vomit her and got a little more out, but she is still pretty full. In the process of holding her, I noticed little bubbles in the corners of both eyes. I am thinking that for the respiratory I will finally have to break down and use antibiotics.
How can I treat the sour crop without vomiting her? The responses I have found online all seem to be treating impacted crop, not sour crop.
Also, should I give her the antibiotics at the same time? Or should I treat one and then the other? I know sour crop is basically a yeast infection (I think). Will antibiotics help sour crop if I have to give them for respiratory anyway?

Another note- all chickens (even the one I pulled for sour crop) are acting normal and active and like nothing is wrong.

I have been trying to battle some type of respiratory infection for over a month now. Symptoms were minor- only a couple of the birds ever showed symptoms (sneezing, minimal rattle at night).
Now this morning I just got ahold of a hen whose crop looked suspiciously large for that time of morning. Sure enough in the scuffle to grab her she vomited this thick yellowish-white fluid and slung the stink all over my pajamas. (Should have known I couldn't have coffee on the porch without taking on a chicken task!)
Anyway, it feels like a big water balloon. I tried to vomit her and got a little more out, but she is still pretty full. In the process of holding her, I noticed little bubbles in the corners of both eyes. I am thinking that for the respiratory I will finally have to break down and use antibiotics.
How can I treat the sour crop without vomiting her? The responses I have found online all seem to be treating impacted crop, not sour crop.
Also, should I give her the antibiotics at the same time? Or should I treat one and then the other? I know sour crop is basically a yeast infection (I think). Will antibiotics help sour crop if I have to give them for respiratory anyway?

Another note- all chickens (even the one I pulled for sour crop) are acting normal and active and like nothing is wrong.

Sour Crop, Massage two or three times a day, also give her yogurt, just plain, no flavor and add AVC into the water

OR you could try this:

Believe this or not, I have read several people giving there hens Monastate. LOL, it's about $5.00 for three supositories, you cut each one into 3 pieces give your hen a third twice a day. Within two days, she should be back to normal with the Sour crop. LOL

your sneezing and Rattling could be more then just an upper respiratory infection. Does the antibotics help any when you treat them with it?
Sour Crop, Massage two or three times a day, also give her yogurt, just plain, no flavor and add AVC into the water

OR you could try this:

Believe this or not, I have read several people giving there hens Monastate.  LOL, it's about $5.00 for three supositories, you cut each one into 3 pieces give your hen a third twice a day.  Within two days, she should be back to normal with the Sour crop. LOL

your sneezing and Rattling could be more then just an upper respiratory infection. Does the antibotics help any when you treat them with it?

Thanks for the info.
I have not yet tried the antibiotics. What more could the sneezing and rattling be? Something more serious? They hardly show any symptoms. Everyone is still active, eating, etc. like normal. I noticed the respiratory thing initially because one of my roosters all of a sudden had a weak sounding and higher pitched crow. He is better now. Aside from that I have witnessed him and one hen having a slight, congested sounding rattle on the roost at night and have seen the hen have a sneeze attack a couple of times after coming sprinting for treats.
I have treated them with VetRx to help the symptoms at night and that helped, plus I have been using Nutridrench and Rooster Booster Poultry Cell on and off for about 6 weeks. They seem pretty well, I just noticed the bubbles in this other hen's eyes and respiratory distress after trying to vomit her sour crop. Since I stopped tipping her upside down, I have not noticed any more symptoms.
I have no idea what it could be. It just seems like something may be going around, but is not very strong or serious? No idea. I have never had a respiratory thing happen before.

The respiratory issue could be a virus - if so the birds that recover will be carriers for life. I have this problem in my flock, but for mine, it tends to be like humans catching a cold - a few days of sneezing and bit of rattly breathing and they are fine. As they act perfectly normally when they have the condition i have now reverted to not giving antibiotics (will not deal with a viral infection, but can fight off any secondary ones) but give vitamin supplements.

I also read with interest on BYC last week that somebody seems to have success treating respiratory infections by adding powdered ginger, cinnamon so drinking water so i have given that a go and also added cloves and turmeric. Im not sure if it works as I'm not prepared to isolate half of my flock and do nothing, whilst "treating" the others, but the symptoms don't appear to be as acute in the ones that now have a "cold".

Good luck

Thanks for the info.
I have not yet tried the antibiotics. What more could the sneezing and rattling be? Something more serious? They hardly show any symptoms. Everyone is still active, eating, etc. like normal. I noticed the respiratory thing initially because one of my roosters all of a sudden had a weak sounding and higher pitched crow. He is better now. Aside from that I have witnessed him and one hen having a slight, congested sounding rattle on the roost at night and have seen the hen have a sneeze attack a couple of times after coming sprinting for treats.
I have treated them with VetRx to help the symptoms at night and that helped, plus I have been using Nutridrench and Rooster Booster Poultry Cell on and off for about 6 weeks. They seem pretty well, I just noticed the bubbles in this other hen's eyes and respiratory distress after trying to vomit her sour crop. Since I stopped tipping her upside down, I have not noticed any more symptoms.
I have no idea what it could be. It just seems like something may be going around, but is not very strong or serious? No idea. I have never had a respiratory thing happen before.

Is it more then One chicken having the Rattling/Sneezing issue?? Could be a case of Coccidiosis, Could be MS and or Coryza. Is there any smell going on, open her mouth and smell inside..

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