Trees/Bushes for Chicken Run


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
Putnam Valley, NY
Any idea on the best trees/bushes items to put in my chicken run?

I think the barreness of it sort of leads to the pecking... but it is only 5'6" tall - so not sure what I can get in there?

I would like some trees/bushes they can snack on and nest in but not ruin - and any idea for other items I can put in that they would enjoy?

Oh, and I need something that won't die in the NY winter, please.
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Just simple stuff. They have talked about swings and rocks. Good luck
You could think about grape vine. Fruit and leaves are edible. Maybe dwarf fruit trees.

Imp-It'll be hard to get plants established.
Someone else here said they planted mulberry trees in their run. I know the trees around here are nearly impossible to kill. DH dug one up (about 4 ft tall) and planted it in the coop w/ a chicken wire fence around it and for a while there, we didn't think it was going to make it. Lo and behold, a few weeks later it had new growth. And this was in the hottest part of summer AND I kept forgetting to water it. I'm planning to leave the chicken wire up until next spring/summer when it gets a good trunk on it. I planted two that I dug up in gallon pots and they took off as well so as soon as dh gets the old coop out of the run we'll be transplanting those in there too. I also found a grapevine growing on our back patio so I planted that in the 1 gallon pot and it's growing well too. So that will go on the outside of the run.
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I would plant grapevine or honeysuckle on the OUTside of your run. That way, it won't be killed off while it's growing. But when it gets bigger, it will grow through your run and into the run for shade and for something to munch on. I don't know what you could grow on the inside of your run that won't get killed off right away. I think the PP that suggested a Mulberry tree is a good idea if you have to have something inside- it would be harder to kill. Our Mulberry trees are like weeds around here- you can cut them clear to the ground and they just grow right back. Same with picking off all their leaves- they just come right back. I can't think of any other tree or bush that would do that. Unless it were a native Cottonwood tree- that might do it too, but they would be a bit more picky and might die. Otherwise, if you need to keep your birds busy and interested, I'd build lots of perchs, and things for them to get on or under. I doubt Crepe Myrtle grows in your area, but it does in mine- and that is a good tree or bush that will hold up- but again, I'd never put it on the inside of the run, or it would die. I'm using mine for shade. You could check out your local nursery (not a big box store-- they will have NO idea) and ask them about native trees or bushes in your area that can handle a beating like chickens will give it.
I planted grapevines inside my run. Well, technically I built the run around the grapevines. You can get vines at your local nursery that are ~4'+ tall and thus mostly out of reach of jumping chickens. My chickens really like their vines and hide under them throughout the worst of our oppressive summer heat. As Imp mentioned, they provide great forage for both leaves and low hanging fruits.

Illinois everbearing mulberry trees, they drop fruit to the chickens for 10 to 12 weeks vs the native variety which only lasts 2 weeks. I've also planted apple and persimmons to extend the free food dropping well into fall.





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