Vitamin b deficiency or Mareks



5 Years
Dec 26, 2018
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

Brahma, 7 months old and she does seem a bit lighter than the other birds now since she’s been acting like this.....

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

She can stand fine but she can hardly walk, toes are cold but legs are warm.
Here’s a video

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

5 weeks

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

No, the other birds all seem fine, starting to lay their first eggs. She’s part of my Brahma breeding flock. All brahmas in that flock are 7 months old
There’s also 4 fifteen week old chicks and a broody hen and an old buff Orpington

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

No, but her leg joints were hot when she first started acting like this. We brought her to the vet (vet said She had an infection) got medicine

That was 4 weeks ago though, now Im giving her 1/4 of vitamin b a day (started giving her vitamin b tablets 5 days ago)

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

Unsure, she was fine the day before, out with the others scratching around the field. Was on her roost that night in the coop as well. Woke up and she was like this. (5 weeks ago)

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

She’s been eating (layers mash with scrambled egg) and drinking water with vitamin b tablet (started vitamin b tablets 5 days ago)

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

Poop looks normal

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

I’ve just been giving her vitamin b, I ordered rooster booster online for her today too to see if that will help

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

I just want to know what the problem is and if it can be fixed or if it’s best to put her to sleep.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

Clean, the coop that my brahmas are in is also new. Got it built 4 months ago

I hope it’s not Mareks, I haven’t added any new birds to my flock.
I live in the countryside up a hill. I have no neighbors that I know of that keep chickens. The coops are all kept clean. I have 13 Brahma hens, 4 mixed chicks, a broody hen and a buff Orpington, everyone else has been perfectly fine.
I separated this sick hen 5 weeks ago when i saw her like this.

So far after starting her with vitamin b tablets (5 days ago) She seems to have a bigger appetite and shes been trying to walk around....
The cat went over to her today while she was eating her food and she gave the cat a big peck :lau at least she can fend for herself.... kinda :idunno
Brahma, 7 months old
She can stand fine but she can hardly walk, toes are cold but legs are warm
She’s part of my Brahma breeding flock
her leg joints were hot when she first started acting like this. We brought her to the vet (vet said She had an infection) got medicine
Im giving her 1/4 of vitamin b a day (started giving her vitamin b tablets 5 days ago)
Her toes were also curled when she started acting like this. They don’t seem to be curled anymore
Hi @Brahmachicken240 :frow

You mention that her leg joints were hot when she first started acting this way. Was there any swelling as well at the hock, bubbling or pus?
Did the antibiotics seem to make an improvement?

Her toes were initially curled, but don't seem to any more - they do look like she holds them "crooked" though or were they always crooked?

Did the vet have an indication as to what the infection could be?
Has she ever had any symptoms of respiratory illness (coughing/sneezing, wheezing, runny eyes or mucous)?

I would look into Mycoplasma synoviae as a possible cause. It's hard to know what's going on with her.
You're giving vitamin B - is that a B-Complex type vitamin that includes B2 (Riboflavin)?
If it's B-Complex, then I would increase the daily dosage to 1/2 tablet to see if that helps at all. It's hard to overdose on B vitamins since excess is excreted in the urine.

You mention that she is part of your breeding program. It would be a very good idea to either have testing to find out what she has or to eliminate her from your program (not breed her).

Btw- I like you coop! She's a very pretty girl too:)

Hi @Brahmachicken240 :frow

You mention that her leg joints were hot when she first started acting this way. Was there any swelling as well at the hock, bubbling or pus?
Did they antibiotics seem to make an improvement?

Her toes were initially curled, but don't seem to any more - they do looked like she holds them "crooked" though or were they always crooked?

Did they vet have an indication as to what the infection could be?
Has she ever had any symptoms of respiratory illness (coughing/sneezing, wheezing, runny eyes or mucous)?

I would look into Mycoplasma synoviae as a possible cause. It's hard to know what's going on with her.
You're giving vitamin B - is that a B-Complex type vitamin that includes B2 (Riboflavin)?
If it's B-Complex, then I would increase the daily dosage to 1/2 tablet to see if that helps at all. It's hard to overdose on B vitamins since excess is excreted in the urine.

You mention that she is part of your breeding program. It would be a very good idea to either have testing to find out what she has or to eliminate her from your program (not breed her).

Btw- I like you coop! She's a very pretty girl too:)

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The vet did say that the leg joints were swollen. They don’t seem to be swollen anymore after using the baytril, I haven’t noticed any puss or bubbling.
After her feet uncurled she’s been holding them crooked
The vet didn’t specify what type of infection it was...
And I’ve been giving her the vitamin B complex.
I’ll try giving her 1/2 tomorrow and see how it goes

Thanks :D
I rang a vet today and they recommended me to get her Verm X Incase she has worms ? So I got her some and put it in her water, So we’ll see if that helps.
I’ve heard some mixed reviews on it though.
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I rang a vet today and they recommended me to get her Verm X Incase she has worms ? So I got her some and put it in her water, So we’ll see if that helps.
I’ve heard some mixed reviews on it though.
Try it and see if that makes a difference.
Did your vet perform a fecal float to look for worms?

Since you are in Ireland, likely you would have to get a script for most dewormers (I think) so the VermX is probably what they want you to try first(?)
I know some use Flubenvet or Levamisole so these may be what they give you if you need something else.
Don't know if you have ever run across this, but is based in the UK, you may be able to find some of the products they recommend on there.

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