Water treatment - Chlorine Dioxide


Jul 6, 2022
Waco, TX
I was curious what methods of water purification you use - I have been reading about Chlorine Dioxide (water purification kit) used in drinking water for pets but have not heard about chickens - I actually started using the gas residue from the chlorine dioxide as a detox and it seems to be beneficial- adding a little to my drinking water - anyone used this before to reduce algae in Chickens water
I don't use anything - neither for myself nor for my animals. Our tap water is clean and good to drink straight, doesn't need any additional purification or treatment. The chickens have a large bowl that lasts a few days before needing to be refilled. When I refill it, I rinse it out some (with a retired baby bottle brush), but without any cleaning agents, then I refill with fresh tap water (no additives). I've never had algae or other problems.
They get fresh water every day; no need for algae treatment or disinfecting beyond washing the bucket with dish soap and water. If I had a different system that had algae; I would be more worried about the chemical than the algae.
It’s safe for use in chickens treatment for various virus - I don’t change the water every day that’s too much 😩
I was curious what methods of water purification you use - I have been reading about Chlorine Dioxide (water purification kit) used in drinking water for pets but have not heard about chickens - I actually started using the gas residue from the chlorine dioxide as a detox and it seems to be beneficial- adding a little to my drinking water - anyone used this before to reduce algae in Chickens water
Eggstaticmom, is there a chlorine dioxide protocol online somewhere for chickens pls? TYIA
Our chicken waterers are 5-gallon buckets with a large "window" cut into the side; they actually hold about 2 gallons. I dump and refill them daily but they end up growing algae pretty heavily. The chickens seem to really love eating the algae when it gets to the point of forming sheets that break away from the sides and bottoms- sometimes I'll dump one out and leave it dry and they just go to town on it.

I don't think it's a bad thing. They enjoy it, it's nothing more than chlorophyll rich plant matter and it's less work for me.
I was curious what methods of water purification you use - I have been reading about Chlorine Dioxide (water purification kit) used in drinking water for pets but have not heard about chickens - I actually started using the gas residue from the chlorine dioxide as a detox and it seems to be beneficial- adding a little to my drinking water - anyone used this before to reduce algae in Chickens water
Look up the health ranger report he talks a lot about it and uses it for himself and his animals.

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