Water, Water, Everywhere!

Was I just really lucky? I had a food dish with water. They would sleep in it even. From the day I got them. Now they have a deeper tub to play in and love it.
I have 8 ducklings and they never drank a gallon if 5 minutes. I topped off their gallon waterer 3 times a day and it was never even half empty. Now they have a pool, so I have no way to monitor how much water they drink:) They do still have a water bucket, but they mostly use the pool.
70%cocoa uses a kind of hutch, with wire bottom and towels over the wire. There is a tray underneath. Tweetysvoice made a splash collection box platform for the waterer.

Here is my hutch-like arrangement.

You can see the orange tray in the pic - it's just the lid off a big tub.

It slides in and out on runners (not Indian Runners....LOL....sorry) which are just some bits of metal.

You can see that the whole floor is mesh. (note that in the two pics below I had not yet added the tray).

I cover one end with a towel or puppy pad and the other end is left with the mesh only. Water and slushed up food falls through the mesh onto the tray, and I remove the tray to dump all the slush outside.

You have to make sure that the capacity of the tray is greater than the capacity of the waterer you have sitting on the mesh - guaranteed that 99.99% of the water will end up in the tray, and you don't want it overflowing.

I am thinking of adding a drain pipe in one corner of the tray with a bucket underneath, to increase the capacity. This will mean that I don't have to carry a flexible plastic tray that is full of duckling slush (serious risk of wearing it...). Although the hutch/brooder is outside my house in these pics it is in the dining room when it has ducklings in it. I use a ceramic heat emitter up the end opposite to the food/water.
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70%Cocoa That is genious, like a hit in the forhead "why didnt I think of that" I raised ducklings in our water trough, changed bedding and water about 6 times daily..and delt with the stinky wet smell, I had a bunny hutch sitting empty the whole time. The bunny hutch will now be the new brooder! How awesome!
I just realised that I posted one pic twice, so I have fixed it up now :)

Having the mesh base with the tray really worked well. Of course, they are still grotty little slush monsters, but it means they are not standing on a wet and mushy surface. Plus it is a pretty quick matter to take out the tray, tip it out and hose it, and replace it. And the bedding at other end doesn't get all wet. It still gets poopy, but not wet. So the whole thing smells ok. I generally tip out the tray and change the puppy pad/towel twice a day.
. Of course, they are still grotty little slush monsters,

Yes, our animals often survive our mistakes and learning curves, thank the Lord. It is quite a responsibility, caring for them. I cannot think of any one thing that has done as much for my understanding of how life works.

furbabymum, how are the legs and their owners doing?

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