What age can you introduce chicks to the adult chickens?

I'd love to know the answer to this as well
Well in my limited experience when they are the same size and can defend themselves. if not your cute lovable hens will be the torment of your cute little fuzz butts. prepare for the feathers to fly, literally. I was shocked to see how many feathers could be plucked out in one peck.

My experience is limited also but I've read 10 weeks.

I introduced 28 NHR and Cornish X to 10 RIR when the babies were only about 5 weeks. By introduce I mean they have contact in the day and more or less range together without problems. Feeding time is the only time I see the elders picking on the babies, so their morning and evening feedings take place in different sectioned off areas of my coop. I try feeding them together about once a week and it's better now (babies are 8 weeks) but there's still a bit of pecking so I'm keeping up with the separate feeding routine for now.
Mine was in the coop with my adult chickens since 3 weeks old but in a caged area. So that way they slowly get introduced. Then at about 5 weeks, I let them out with the adult chickens. Mine are free range and only go in the coop to lay or sleep. I've never had any problem, just when a chick tried to be the boss of the adult chicken. One peck and the chick was gone. My hens and rooster, have never really been mean to each other and they were all different ages. Maybe it's because they have alot of places to run to, to get away.
I had one old chicken left, and introduced 2 young pullets. When I put the young ones in the main coop, I put them in their sleeping box at dusk, and it was too small for my old hen to get into, so they had a place to run and hide. I was lucky, no bloodshed, but lots of chasing! I kept a close eye on them too, for the first few days. Good luck!
I am new to this forum & have a chick intregation question:
We put 3 newly hatched babies under our broody hen & voila! She happily adopted them. They are isolated from the rest of the flock & we are wondering when it is safe to intregrate them with the the others. I know this has generally been discussed alittle already here, but they have a mommy to protect them, so that is different then what I see already posted. Will she protect them from the others?
We did let them out a for a while earlier today without incident, just curiosity from the other chickens, but I would like them to all live together. We let our flock roam during the day & they come in at night, but at this time, the mother & chicks are penned in & have a separate coop & run. Our flock are buff orps & brahmas & the chicks are Americaunas. They are about a week old now.
Any help greatly appreciaited!

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