

Jul 11, 2019
Blanchard, Oklahoma
My Coop
My Coop
I’m always on the lookout for curious little insects while I’m tending my flower garden or raised beds. I love seeing bugs I’ve never seen before, and I love searching online in an effort to identify them.
I’d love to see your insect finds as well!

Here are a few that I’ve seen in the last week or so:

A beautiful Green Lynx spider having supper on a closed flower bloom

A very large Katydid!

A tiny metallic gold and silver spider that I haven’t been able to identify

And the dreaded Asian Tiger mosquito, who I have a love/hate relationship with

Also has anyone else noticed a significant lack of Junebugs this year? I can count the amount I’ve seen this summer on two hands. :barnie
As a matter of fact, I haven't seen that many Junebugs either. Nor have I seen honeybees either except maybe two or three.

No pics, but in my garden this year I've had little mantises, small to large hornworms, big green grasshoppers that eat in my stuff (but not after tossing them to the chickens), and a bunch of little spiders that build webs on my greenhouse frame. I keep knocking them down otherwise I run into them. They come back the next day, the stubborn things.

I would swat those green lynx spiders, they'll get honeybees! We have those, and I kill them after finding that out.
The majority of ALL insects I see every year is the stinking, evil red wasp. I hate those things with a passion!!! So scary because they fly at me, and I will scream and run if I don't have a swatting weapon. And no, I am NOT the only adult who runs away from them. I've had a woman tell me her husband will run from them. My mother was stung on her foot once, 'cause one if those stupid things was down in her boot.
As a matter of fact, I haven't seen that many Junebugs either. Nor have I seen honeybees either except maybe two or three.

No pics, but in my garden this year I've had little mantises, small to large hornworms, big green grasshoppers that eat in my stuff (but not after tossing them to the chickens), and a bunch of little spiders that build webs on my greenhouse frame. I keep knocking them down otherwise I run into them. They come back the next day, the stubborn things.

I would swat those green lynx spiders, they'll get honeybees! We have those, and I kill them after finding that out.

I haven't seen any June bugs at all this year, and very few mantises. Much fewer Japanese beetles and stink bugs.
I’ve definitely got to get rid of that Lynx spider then! Honey bees are too few and precious to let them be eaten as a midday snack. I happened to see a (particularly territorial) mantis today, but I believe I’ve only seen around 3 total for the whole summer.

Stagmomantis Carolina

The majority of ALL insects I see every year is the stinking, evil red wasp. I hate those things with a passion!!! So scary because they fly at me, and I will scream and run if I don't have a swatting weapon. And no, I am NOT the only adult who runs away from them. I've had a woman tell me her husband will run from them. My mother was stung on her foot once, 'cause one if those stupid things was down in her boot.
I am not a fan of red wasps either! But I don’t mind mud daubers, yellow jackets, or paper wasps because I’ve heard they’re good for pollinating one’s garden. I can’t believe one was in your mother’s boot, that would make me a nervous wreck everytime I had to put my shoes on. :lau
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I've got plenty of mantises, if you want some, lol. I think they hatched out in my greenhouse, 'cause I find itty bitty, practically microscopic babies in there! Now I'm finding young, but bigger ones in my garden. One on each of my pepper plants it seems.

Yeah, mud daubers are sweet guys, and they don't bother me whatsoever unless I accidently mistake one for a wasp. Not a fan of paper wasps, or yellow jackets either. I like the hover bees.They can be large and resemble hornets, so you have to observe carefully before swatting. Hover bees have large eyes, giving them a cute appearance. Whereas hornets are just mean-looking.

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