What did you do in the garden today?

I might consider using that, it's still so hot here to plant anything just yet. Here are some bulbs that we, a group of neighbors, got earlier this spring from a neighbor that passed away.

Variegated Amarillas, I think I have three different colors.
I might consider using that, it's still so hot here to plant anything just yet. Here are some bulbs that we, a group of neighbors, got earlier this spring from a neighbor that passed away.

Variegated Amarillas, I think I have three different colors.

Very nice! I have decided to plant in the spring and have my garden done by June. Let everything go until September and start another garden then.

June, July, and August just get too darn hot. I feel your pain.

We had a cool day today so I built some raised beds and filled them with pig dirt and a little lime. The pig dirt was black and smelled sweet. I planted some Sun King broccoli. If the dirt isn't too hot it should do well. If it is it will be in good shape come spring.
Yesterday I picked a "shirt full" of tomatoes. Lots of different kinds. The chocolate tomatoes that I saved seed from (from winter store bought mixed cherry tomato pack) are breeding true to color. But the shape is different than the ones I remember eating. These are more grape shaped, while the ones from the store were round. The proof will be in the taste!!!
What color of creeping Philo did you get? Are they edible for chickens or ducks?

I have two colors...lavender and red. The chickens will tear it up and it hasn't hurt them yet. They really love the blooms.

They are so easy to start just clip off a branch and stick it in a pot of dirt. They root in a couple of weeks...just keep the dirt moist.

I potted up some bearded iris today and built another above ground shelf for the plants...so far no ants in them. I also started some hibiscus seed...got about four up.

I planted about 144 cell packs...they come up slowly.

Sounds nice.. Have you heard of AZOMITE ? We have a friend that sell's it.. Lot's of good minerals

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