What did you do in the garden today?


I had my coffee on the patio with the girls this morning.
How on earth do you have no poop on the concrete??? :bow

That fence behind the chickens keeps them out of there. They only come in under supervision a couple times a week, and not for long. I don't trust my dog to behave herself so she and the puppy have a doggy door into the grass area and patio and the chickens are safe on the other side. Fortunately if I'm supervising everyone does ok. They switch sides for a while.
Can I save seed from bell peppers that aren't all the way red? My peppers have been struggling to ripen, and the plants are getting pretty heavy with fruit. I just cut the ones that are doing the color change, but most are still pretty green, some have soft sides, and are wrinkly from heat damage.
Hello gardeners! This weekend was a total wash-out. I had the board meeting and event on Saturday, which took ten hours all told, and then was completely drained on Sunday. Waaay to many people and being 'on' really wears me out. We're getting another three inches of rain, so my backyard continues to be swampy. I need to go pick things.

I also have a little with I think early coccidosis, so I'm going to TSC at lunch to pick up some corid. This hot steamy humid wet weather is making it hard to keep their dog kennel dry. They apparently love to tip their waterer off its brick. I hope I'm catching it quickly enough!
Last night I went out to check on something and there were clouds headed our way. Before I could check the weather radar the storm was here. Major dust and high winds that were blowing things over in the yard. Hubs said the patio umbrella was spinning like a top even in the stand. Our two pullets were a little freaked out, poor things. There was a gulley washer afterward so no watering today. I've been picking up my neighbors roof shingles and straightening up this morning.

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