What did you do in the garden today?

Took the tractor tire into the city to get it replaced. It's shredded. It was ready at 5pm, but I had to be home by 2, so I'll pick it up on Friday. Grab mulch for the rock bed and tree out front while I'm there. And the office desk I bought saturday went on sale on sunday 90$ off, so I'll get my ticket adjusted then too.

I'm not sure I got the peony out of the ground correctly. I have a bunch of sticks, which is what they look like in the sawdust when you buy them, so who knows.

I'll toss them in some coir on the heat mat and see if I can get them growing this winter.

Tomorrow I'll spend putting together the office desk and get the shelves back in place, put things back on the walls.

WIll be on and off wet and windy tomorrow, so that's fine. Kind of a down day for me. LOL.
Tossed more pumpkin remains into the garden. Also got through the last bag of deer meet that was still in the refrigerator!!! :wee I still have 2 or 3 big bags in the freezer, but I'm done for now! I do still have 5 pumpkins left to take care of. I canned 6 more quarts of pumpkin today. I also started working on the deer hide. I don't have it stretched anywhere, I was trying to scrap it while it was lying on a table outside. It's harder going than I thought it would be. :idunno Headed to bed. Good night :frow
Good morning all. OMG it finally stopped raining and the sun is shining. I'll actually have to pull back the shower curtains on the chicken run a bit due to more seasonable daytime temps in mid to high 40's. I'm switching internet providers today so hopefully that will go smoothly. So clearly I'm not nearly as rural as you are @WthrLady. If I heard 7 shots anytime of the day I would be alarmed. The wooded area around here is not "thick" enough to allow for hunting, so gunshots would likely mean something bad is happening. Yesterday I was able to lift the chicken saddle on my bare backed hen and was thrilled to see a ton of new feathers poking through her skin. I've started feeding her by hand to make sure she is getting enough food as she is staying away from interacting with the rest of the flock (especially the rooster). I feel better knowing that she will have all her feathers back before the temperatures get really cold. I'm focusing on the final touchups in my sunroom today so hopefully tomorrow I can get the last of my daffodil bulbs in the ground. Please take some time for yourself @karenerwin. You've been working really hard on the deer and pumpkin canning. I can't imagine trying to process and "tan" the deer hide by yourself. That is really a two person job in the least. Take care and have a great day everyone.
Good morning all. OMG it finally stopped raining and the sun is shining. I'll actually have to pull back the shower curtains on the chicken run a bit due to more seasonable daytime temps in mid to high 40's. I'm switching internet providers today so hopefully that will go smoothly. So clearly I'm not nearly as rural as you are @WthrLady. If I heard 7 shots anytime of the day I would be alarmed. The wooded area around here is not "thick" enough to allow for hunting, so gunshots would likely mean something bad is happening. Yesterday I was able to lift the chicken saddle on my bare backed hen and was thrilled to see a ton of new feathers poking through her skin. I've started feeding her by hand to make sure she is getting enough food as she is staying away from interacting with the rest of the flock (especially the rooster). I feel better knowing that she will have all her feathers back before the temperatures get really cold. I'm focusing on the final touchups in my sunroom today so hopefully tomorrow I can get the last of my daffodil bulbs in the ground. Please take some time for yourself @karenerwin. You've been working really hard on the deer and pumpkin canning. I can't imagine trying to process and "tan" the deer hide by yourself. That is really a two person job in the least. Take care and have a great day everyone.
We live about a mile down the road from a DNR hunting area, so hearing gun shots is pretty common around here. Even when it's not hunting season, you often hear people doing target practice year round. Growing up in the city but now living in the country, I've come away with the perspective that generally speaking, if you hear gunshots in the country it's probably someone honing their shooting skills, but if you hear gunshots in the city someone has probably been shot! :oops:
We live about a mile down the road from a DNR hunting area, so hearing gun shots is pretty common around here. Even when it's not hunting season, you often hear people doing target practice year round. Growing up in the city but now living in the country, I've come away with the perspective that generally speaking, if you hear gunshots in the country it's probably someone honing their shooting skills, but if you hear gunshots in the city someone has probably been shot! :oops:

That's pretty much how I think! Except out in my area I am pretty sure we have poachers as well. :mad: Our previous dog would drag home deer carcasses all year round and they were definitely ones that had been butchered, not died from natural causes. Never have figured out who is doing it though.

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