What did you do in the garden today?

Thanks all, @igorsMistress yeah, I'm waiting to see how I feel tomorrow too. :) We're supposed to go fishing again tomorrow (gotta have more fish tacos!) so I'll be taking it easy. Oh, I did scratch my glasses though, it's about time for a new set anyway and I do have my computer glasses still. Hopefully this was the last mowing I'll have to do this year and I'm always so glad to have it done.
Ooh bummer @NewBoots, glad you are OK. You can just freeze the jalapeños @Compost King. Just slice them and clean out the seeds then throw them in a freezer bag. Easy Peasy!
Slice em take out the seeds fill them with Philly cheese bread em and fry em. Then you don't need to think about how you are ever going to store them. Jalapeno poppers never last long in my world.
I have the world's only mean buff orpington. I'm ready to drop her in the middle of the cattle pasture and let her be a cow.

Not necessarily. My BO Alberta was a bully and a horror to the other chickens. She loved me, sat in my lap every morning and we had coffee time. However, in the mornings, if I wasn't outside with the food promptly on time, she would stand at the gate and scream until I came out with food. Then in the evenings, when it was beautiful, I would sit on the patio until the sun went down and dark approached. If I was out too late, she would stand in the door of the coop and scream at me until I went in- guess she thought I was just a stupid chicken who didn't know the time of day.
She liked to sit in the nesting boxes all day long- no one is broody ALL the time. If I put eggs under her, she would not sit them, if I tried to put chicks, she pecked them. If I blocked the nesting boxes from her, she would sit on the roost and pout.
She would chase and peck any new pullets I had in the yard- even until they were grown- they would avoid her. I finally gave her to a friend who says she has not changed.


  • Alberta pouting.jpg
    Alberta pouting.jpg
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  • alberta and me 2017.jpg
    alberta and me 2017.jpg
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Last week I was worried about frost, so I picked as many tomatoes as I could - lots of beautiful, big, blemish-free Romas, except they were green. I wrapped each one in newspaper and put them in a bag on top of the fridge where they would be warmish. Yesterday I unwrapped them, and every one was black, rock-hard and inedible. What did I do wrong, you gardening folks?! So disappointing. I should have made salsa or fried green tomatoes when I had them...
The tomato plants need to be pulled up now, and the dahlias are mostly done, except for the couple in containers. The luffas are done, too.
The cabbages might not be done - they are growing and looking happy, and a couple are starting to head up. But not wanting to push my luck, I bought some cabbages at the store today, because it's time to start some sauerkraut - we're down to our last two quarts and I don't want me or Mr. Dog to die from malnutrition, caused by a whole winter without Reubens or Kraut dogs.

Fibonacci sequence. The Golden Ratio.
WOW, thank you, I LOVE this! Math nerds unite, because nature is where we see it everywhere we look.

I bought a special feeding cup for my rooster and there were 2 in the package.
Can you give a link to this? I need a better way to feed oyster shell that provides them free-choice, in a spill-proof way.

Good afternoon gardeners. Walked through the garden today. I watered a bit this morning but will have to do a bit more tomorrow. Everything is doing really well. I’m really happy with all the fairy dusters and may transplant them out front along the sidewalk.

I love seeing pictures of your garden and coop - it amazes me how different the gardening life is in other areas. Your climate is the complete opposite of ours - you have to nurture every plant and animal, protect them from scorching heat and shade them from burning sun, while up here we contend with invasive plants taking over so fast, too much moisture causing blight, rotting structures, and encouraging moist pests like slugs. Your garden and yard looks so well-designed, so neat and clean. Even in my opposite climate, I enjoy learning from yours.
@jerryse oh that stinks! I hope you all have mild cases. :hugs

@NewBoots hope you're feeling ok today! That's so something I would have done.

Morning all. Cold here, supposed to get very windy too.

Plexi glass is a winner in my book as a window....
Morning Gardeners stopping to take a shower this morning .. We all voted to stop fall back anymore out legislator's taking their own sweat time to enact it
Oh I wish they would consider it here! I hate the time change, it messes me up for weeks.

I did not come out early enough this morning so he figured out he can just kick the door open. That’s convenient.
LOL @ Randy! That made me giggle for sure!

Not much going on, back to work today. Have a good one all.
I wrapped each one in newspaper and put them in a bag on top of the fridge where they would be warmish. Yesterday I unwrapped them, and every one was black, rock-hard and inedible. What did I do wrong, you gardening folks?!
That's weird, I don't know what happened, that's how I've always ripened the last of my green tomatoes - wrapped in newspaper. But, I do keep them in a cooler place, don't have any idea if that makes a difference or not tho. What a bummer. :hit
Last week I was worried about frost, so I picked as many tomatoes as I could - lots of beautiful, big, blemish-free Romas, except they were green. I wrapped each one in newspaper and put them in a bag on top of the fridge where they would be warmish. Yesterday I unwrapped them, and every one was black, rock-hard and inedible. What did I do wrong, you gardening folks?! So disappointing. I should have made salsa or fried green tomatoes when I had them...
The tomato plants need to be pulled up now, and the dahlias are mostly done, except for the couple in containers. The luffas are done, too.
The cabbages might not be done - they are growing and looking happy, and a couple are starting to head up. But not wanting to push my luck, I bought some cabbages at the store today, because it's time to start some sauerkraut - we're down to our last two quarts and I don't want me or Mr. Dog to die from malnutrition, caused by a whole winter without Reubens or Kraut dogs.

WOW, thank you, I LOVE this! Math nerds unite, because nature is where we see it everywhere we look.

Can you give a link to this? I need a better way to feed oyster shell that provides them free-choice, in a spill-proof way.

I love seeing pictures of your garden and coop - it amazes me how different the gardening life is in other areas. Your climate is the complete opposite of ours - you have to nurture every plant and animal, protect them from scorching heat and shade them from burning sun, while up here we contend with invasive plants taking over so fast, too much moisture causing blight, rotting structures, and encouraging moist pests like slugs. Your garden and yard looks so well-designed, so neat and clean. Even in my opposite climate, I enjoy learning from yours.
Thank you, you are far too kind! I really think the wood chips help make things look neat and tidy and planned out. The uniformity really pulled it together.

I have learned much from everyone in this this thread also!

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