What did you do in the garden today?

Unfortunately it's not the people unmasked who get it, it's the people around them. :( My mask protects you, but your lack of mask infects me. That's how G got it - at work there's unmasked people daily. Our local mandates don't actually punish people for violating it so it's pointless.
I've said it elsewhere but I'll defend anyones right to do something that only hurts them. Eat raw chicken, go rock climbing, smoke outdoors, lick poison toads, ride a motorcycle, etc. It's not my business when it doesn't effect me and we all have our vices. It's when it hurts other people that I'm not OK with it.

Working on Yule stuff today. Gonna make some candles! Should be a good time.
I still need to make a long burning Jul Candle. I feel so behind this year, and there's no reason for it, just don't wanna.
:highfive: I’d like to see a travel ban. Across the country and world. No one in or out period for at least two months and no, you can’t go to your winter home in the warm state either. Not even if you drive there. Just stay where you are and deal with it for now.
And that is also against our constitution. You cannot restrict freedom of movement.
Just sayin'
Well that seems a bit harsh as there are some that CANNOT, truly, wear a mask due to other conditions. Many in our deaf community don't as they can't see each other's lips.

There are clear face masks ..There was one gal at Costco in front of us on one of the handicap scooters .. The employee at the end asked heer to come over please.
Her mask was below her nose .. He gave her a full face mask saying to wear it or not go in .. that was appropriate to me.
Well there are now clear masks and shields. But out here in the middle of flippin no where, we are reliant on amazon. Where there is no stock, we don't have it.
Ya, and that's a private business, who can set their own rules too.
She's not being forced to shop there. But if she chooses to, she must abide by the rules. All I'm saying.

Guy down the road from me wears an oxygen mask 24/7 and is in a wheelchair. It has a side vent on it, the mask not the chair. He has, more than once, been told that he cannot wear that AS a mask due to the valve on the side. UGH.

I have a major, genetic sinus condition. I only get half the air I'm supposed to when I breathe, so I tend to breathe a little harder. Super cold and super warm air makes me feel like I'm getting no air at all. I chose not to shop and wear a mask in store for more than 10 minutes during the summer (feed store and hardware) In and out. The one hour grocery trips almost did me in. I'd leave with a headache and dizzy. But I still wore it. (Delivery and pick up isn't an option here.)

Like I said, I do what I do to get to the next day, or do without. I won't disrespect someone else.
:highfive: I’d like to see a travel ban. Across the country and world. No one in or out period for at least two months and no, you can’t go to your winter home in the warm state either. Not even if you drive there. Just stay where you are and deal with it for now.
We just got our travel ban reinstated with a mandatory 14 day quarantine!!! Yippee!!! BUT, as always, people find their way around it... We have more "new residents" than ever. That really, really kind of sucks. Obviously it boils down to the money thing having visitors buying up our limited housing. It has become more than hard to be warm and welcoming during a pandemic. Then I feel bad and think... maybe they are transplants from the west coast fires?!! I just can't figure out if I should smile or toss rocks at new faces walking down the street... :idunno both if they are mask-less :lol:. Back to the liberties of licking a toad etc (I like that one ChocolateM!). If you have dirtied your pool, don't come dirty mine.

@WthrLady , you can always call, order and pay via phone, then pick up your set aside order easy w/o risking anybody? Saves oodles of time and that is what I have done in the past when in doubt even though I am able to wear a mask no prob.
We've restricted freedom of movement before. We just can't ban ALL movement but, for example, if we banned all planes from coming into a state, or all cars have to go through a COVID checkpoint it'd probably be legal.
For example; "The Supreme Court has specifically ruled that Crandall does not imply a right to use any particular mode of travel, such as driving an automobile. In Hendrick v. Maryland (1915), the appellant asked the Court to void Maryland's motor vehicle statute as a violation of the freedom of movement. The Court found "no solid foundation" for the appellant's argument and unanimously held that "in the absence of national legislation covering the subject, a state may rightfully prescribe uniform regulations necessary for public safety and order in respect to the operation upon its highways of all motor vehicles — those moving in interstate commerce as well as others." "

As for the masks thing, the ADA states that disability is only protected if it doesn't cause a health hazard AND the business does not provide an alternative means of accessing their services. So for example, if a store wanted to ban people without masks from entering the building and someone with a disability asked to go in, they could be legally denied as long as an easy alternative to that service were provided, like free curbside pickup. Our groceries now have whole TEAMS of personal shoppers (D is one of them!), and even set hours for elderly/disabled-only shoppers.

I have a lot of sympathy for disabled people dealing with this because the reality is that most of the people demanding exemptions are NOT actually disabled and could easily make alternative arrangements and disabled people don't deserve to have extra burdens put upon them. I'd love to see an ADA-applicable fund for helping people with legal disabilities get delivered goods or errand aids for example, that would be much harder to abuse. But as long as we have people who walk up to a building and flash their internet printout to get a medical exemption they don't need and aren't entitled to, something should be done to stop it. (This happens regularly.)

There's all sorts of ways to restrict people without completely denying them their rights.... But of course the easiest thing is for everyone to voluntarily stay home or wear a mask and not lie about being disabled. But some people will never think of others first which is why laws exist. I do wish the mandates had bigger teeth though - I've seen more people cited for smoking publicly than not wearing masks. In fact, I've never seen someone maskless cited....


In less covid-y news the cocoa bombs are going well and I've gathered my candle making equipment. Soon it will be time to work on that. I'm trying to pick a mold because I'm doing candles with a poured base and dipped outside.
@WthrLady , you can always call, order and pay via phone, then pick up your set aside order easy w/o risking anybody? Saves oodles of time and that is what I have done in the past when in doubt even though I am able to wear a mask no prob.
No we don't have that option here. No big deal. I mask up. The air is cooler.

My jaw literally DROPPED when I heard the offer from Hawaii this morning. They are PAYING people to move to Hawaii for 30 days to work/telecommute and bring their spending money WITH them. UMMM OMG. REALLY?! REALLY?!?!
No we don't have that option here. No big deal. I mask up. The air is cooler.

My jaw literally DROPPED when I heard the offer from Hawaii this morning. They are PAYING people to move to Hawaii for 30 days to work/telecommute and bring their spending money WITH them. UMMM OMG. REALLY?! REALLY?!?!
Don't come. You would hate it here. It's nothing like Florida....

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