What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. I've had shipping issues with UPS. I cringe when I find out they are handling anything I ordered. They are using a boatload of temporary, seasonal hires right now who are using their own vehicles for deliveries. Just a bit disturbing. I've been getting great service from Amazon, FedEx and the USPS with deliveries pretty much on time. UPS screws up every delivery it handles here in addition to one pick up. Amazon usually sends delivery updates and I've had no problems with them. They were actually delivering some items a day early. It is what it is.
Amazon got an earful from me yesterday too. I'm tired of paying for Prime and ordering things that say Prime and after you pay for them, they show up as taking (and actually do) take 7-10s days to get here. If you can't make it in 3 days TOPS, it shouldn't be listed as Prime.

DS, sister, and I did an experiment. He's in the city on campus (was when we did this experiment), and my sister is in another state near a Amazon hub, and me in the middle of nowhere-same item, same seller.

We ordered at the same time at 11pm. DS got his item at 1pm next day, Sister got hers at 7am, Mine took 10 days.
Good morning gardeners. I've had shipping issues with UPS. I cringe when I find out they are handling anything I ordered. They are using a boatload of temporary, seasonal hires right now who are using their own vehicles for deliveries. Just a bit disturbing. I've been getting great service from Amazon, FedEx and the USPS with deliveries pretty much on time. UPS screws up every delivery it handles here in addition to one pick up. Amazon usually sends delivery updates and I've had no problems with them. They were actually delivering some items a day early. It is what it is.

I've had the worst experience with USPS and better experience with UPS this season. Of course there have always been USPS problems shipping to FL for some reason (over the 3 years my oldest has been stationed there, including problems the last 2 years kid has lived off base). So ALL my outgoing packages have shipped UPS this year and are being delivered in a timely manner, as expected. Amazon orders have been fairly good - several items delayed or took longer than expected. Other purchases have been variable too in their arrival times. But, I'm on day 11 or 12 of "Priority Mail" items that I'm still waiting for - not sure when I'll see them. These items cost $50 in shipping (across 3 packages) for Priority mail, so I'm pretty irritated with the extreme delay and lack of movement as documented in the tracking of the two packages I'm still waiting for. The third package mailed at same time, in same order, from same company arrived as expected within Priority mail timeframe.

and my sister is in another state near a Amazon hub

It was great when we lived in Cincinnati bc there is an Amazon hub near the airport - everything arrived really really fast, usually less than 24 hours!
Hey all!

USPS here is awful. My priority mail prescriptions that come from 5 miles down the road take a week - the whole time saying they were delivered! The mail people scan them when they come in as delivered so that they don't get in trouble when they sit for a week. :rant Drives me insane. Lets just say my mail lady isn't getting her xmas jam this year, first time ever. :gig

I live very close to a gigantic Amazon warehouse & get most of my stuff next day. Amazon is now delivering 99% of my stuff so I'm pretty happy about that, they started delivering a month or so ago. Thankfully because I was about to drop Prime, I was so sick of paying for it & not getting stuff for weeks. I was ok with it in the beginning of the pandemic while everyone worked out the new norm, but after months I started getting mad. We order everything from Amazon, they are here most days during the week, or at least 3.
DH chewed on FedEx last week.
Report showed item delivered and signed for,but we couldn't find it on the property.
We have cameras everywhere, so we checked those.

He crammed it BETWEEN the trashcans in the trashcan holder bin around the corner of our house. The driveway and deck and porch all have cameras. But no, cram it somewhere NO one would see it or look for it.
My best bud is our post mistress they do one heck of a job do not get paid extra to drop Amazon. Even fed ups get dropped at the post office .. During the pandemic they have taken like forever on some .. Bought a halloweeen witch .. they said it we be a day late. I made feedback I really wanted it for halloween
Got it 2 days later 4 days before they said
Yeah, I understand that to restrict the freedom of movement for the sick is wisdom. To restrict the freedom of movement for the healthy is tyranny.

This is the most un-American idea I have read all day. Intentionally causing difficulty in travel to reduce travel is a means of government controll of free will. And simply because someone might be sick. Where will this end?

Call me old fashioned... but I don't think having the public's health and safety in mind is tyranny. Travel, like driving, is a privilege. It is illegal to drink and drive, text and drive, be distracted and drive, because it endangers the public and can cause death to self and another. You can get a hefty fine and or go to jail or prison. But unlike a DUI, T&D and DD covid can kill many innocent people silently. Why anyone is more worried about movement and travel than the health and safety of others is insane. So, please move freely, just be considerate and wear a mask, travel when essential and there will be no need for restrictions. We are all in this together.

cruel and oppressive government or rule.
"people who survive war and escape tyranny"

    • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
    • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
      "the tyranny of the nine-to-five day

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