What did you do in the garden today?

WEll, re sanded the chicken run and hand picked leaves out of the rock garden. I also pulled the climbing morning glory vines out of my climbing rose- boy I hate those things - that and wild viiolets grow in my garden and I can not get them all pulled up. also have all sorts of weeds growing in my beds. They have gone wild. I am trying to figure out what to cover them with over winter to keep them from seeding next year. Maybe cardboard, maybe weed cloth? Time will tell.
It was nice, sunny and cool today!

The raspberries are on their second batch of production. They are still getting established, so not a ton of berries, but still yum!

Here is the morning picking.
Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 1.15.29 PM.png

Fall crops have sprouted - the 90F+ temps sure do help seeds sprout! The first planting of green beans about 1 month go are flowering nicely, so green beans should be showing up soon.

We had some nice rain over the past couple days, not too much, could have used a bit more even, but really good for the lawn and garden.

behind us, a new grass waterway was installed. it was very interesting to see the progression from where the underground main drain line was put in, ground allowed to settle for several weeks, then the grading and smoothing for the final grass seed application. Since there generally isn't a ton of elevation around here, I'm hoping this will really help the water go where it is supposed to go and quickly at that! This doesn't even look like much change in elevation, but it is bigger than it looks. The straw blanket in the pic is 35' wide, and it doesn't look that wide in person. Now we have some grading improvements to do at the side front of our yard, as there are some high/low spots to smooth out thanks to the drain line that was newly installed under the road and the county contractors weren't very careful with their process :rolleyes:
Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 1.18.46 PM.png

The next week looks fairly rain-free and no temps above upper 70's and lows in the upper 50's, so about near perfect.

Tomorrow I'll be picking up 18 little meaties - aka Cornish Cross chicks. Let the fall growing begin!
Sun did not come out yesterday, might not come out today either. Supposed to warm up for the weekend but summer definitely feels over. Picked a cantaloupe today, will probably trade it away since I have too many melons in the fridge. Need to up-pot two last pineapples, but the peat bale I bought is way too dry.. rehydrating peat is a pain, I have it soaking in a plastic tub with a lot of water.

he's got a pallet buster ordered
They make those! Wow, I will have to get one after I move.
Tonight my troublesome hen will be allowed to join the rest of the chickens at dusk to go into the coop. Hopefully she has reset her attitude will leave the three 12 week old chicks alone. I'll be out at dawn to open the coop and sit and watch to see how she behaves. :fl :fl

Then about 10 am, I'll go buy some tomatoes to can. I have a few of mine, but really want to do production amounts now, and get this over with. If I do a canner load a day, first thing in the morning, it shouldn't be too bad.

Once I'm done with the tomato canning, or before, I'll can DH's salsa!

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