What did you do in the garden today?

We had rain and fog yesterday and high in 50s. High in 30s today. Cloudy chilly day. Garage door spring finally came after 23 day wait. Got it installed. Still need some adjusting but I am done for the day. Still thinking about the truck. If I can find used rear axle assembly I will fix it.
try junk yards and pick a part places. Many times you can find vehicles that the driver wrapped around a tree or something and the rear end is fairly intact. Even if you get 2 crappy ones at 50 bucks each and put together one good one it's still a deal. I used to do that all the time with my 83 Turismo and 78 Chevy pickup. CV joints were another hot item like that, ok so I pay a ton of money for the stupid things and all the bs changing them, packing / unpacking the boot the grease, bla bla OR for an extra 40 bucks I get an entire new axle that comes with a lifetime warranty. and slaps in and out in about half an hour... hmmm lets see...

Intended to finish mowing the 5 acres over break but I actually wore out the belt and nobody had a replacement locally so I had to order it.

Glad I covered the tomatoes. Got a touch of frost on the sweet potatoes right next to them. The day it finally warmed up I brought the jalapeno seedlings back out and cat immediately nibbled them all down to the stems :he so I started more...for about the 4th time. And two of my quail quit laying, maybe due to the cold snap?

Bought a planner so I can actually keep track of sowing, germination, and days to harvest. I am going to plant a 10x10 plot each month until it gets too warm. Need to order seeds!
I got to stop buying seeds. I was on Amazon the other day and saw some long red peppers that I always want to grow, so my knee jerked and I added it to a shopping cart. Then I went to the sellers store and saw some sprouted ginseng seeds and my knee jerked again and it was also added to my cart.

It probably won't grow where I live............. :love

well kiss my ass !!
Just got done changing out the chips in the coop, the old ones were getting kind of funky etc, and a t storm was coming thru, ok it happens, no biggie. HUGE cust of wind came, blew the side door of the coop open, im thinking from the pressure surge and blew every one of the new chips out and everywhere all over the yard. well, they poop on plywood tonight until i get to TSC and get more chips. where the hell did that come from?
it also blew my blood orange over too, that is in a 60 gallon potter. Now it's not unheard of for that to tip over but exceedingly rare, so now mr bum foot gets to wrastle a damned tree back upright as well. Those 10 oranges i was wondering if I should harvest or not, I think mother nature just made my mind for me.


Ps. if you left a blood orange on the tree, can they rot on the vine??? or will they fall off on their own once they get ripe enough /wo being over ripe and rotting? this is my first year / harvest of blood oranges and trying to figure the right time to snag em.

I know the feeling about the winds kidding around.

I have seen every single kind of fruit can rot on the vine. even almonds.
Good morning gardeners. We’re supposed to have slight chance of rain today and tomorrow and then clear skies for a few days. I’ve decided not to plant anything this year, there’s much to do and I need to simplify my life right now. So the fruit trees will go back to Lowe’s this weekend, and we’ll get all the weeding done and then I can concentrate on keeping everything alive through summer and try a fall garden. I’m pretty much the only one who cleans house, gardens, cooks and work full time on top having two grandkids and three dogs; I have too many irons in the fire. I think I’ll be purging a bunch of junk this year and getting the whole house cleaned up and organized. If that’s all done I won’t feel quite so overwhelmed with other projects like the garden. I’m sad, but it would be wasted effort and wasted water this year I think.

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