What did you do in the garden today?

The base for the greenhouse is done.
I used treated 4x4 box for the foundation and tied it down with 30" T-posts that are pounded all the into the ground except the top 3 inches. I topped tge 4x4s with treated 2x12 box to raise the height of the greenhouse and double as a raised bed in the greenhouse on one side once I add another 2x12 to close in the box/bed.

Next, I need to get landscape fabric down and top it with gravel inside the greenhouse - I have some keyhole pavers stacked behind the shed that I might use to create a more solid for in there. Then I can get to finally putting the actual greenhouse together.

I'd like to see a picture of your melons-in-slings. I've thought about doing that, but never have.

How much for, say, a couple pounds of Paco? Coffee, not bird! :lau
I'll send you a DM, don't want to be doing this in an open thread and upset anyone. They find enough reasons to hate on me, don't need to give them a real one :D

Oh and for the record, there is no 'separating' the bird from the coffee. You get BOTH. In fact I'll have him deliver it to you, so you put up with the terrible too's terrible tude too !!

Perhaps I can interest you two in some decaf as well hehe.

The funny thing is, he wants coffee but for obvious reasons, can't have any and does not get any,however he WILL go to great lengths to steal an occasional green been or two when he can !!

I use cardboard boxes as his litter bottom, and just change out the entire thing when I do, and throw the old one just right into the compost bin. I am finding that poo is poo sort of, and caca-poo is about the same as chickie-poo when it comes to getting compost piles started up. The worms seem to like the cocka-poo better though. Im thinking maybe too much ammonia in the chicka-doo-doo..

I'd like to see a picture of your melons-in-slings. I've thought about doing that, but never have.

How much for, say, a couple pounds of Paco? Coffee, not bird! :lau
I looked through all my old pictures but don't have any saved from the melons & pumpkins I grew vertically the summer of 2021. However, I used old t-shirts and mosquito netting to make slings during that experiment. In both cases, moisture wasn't able to easily evaporate so I did have problems with mold. I made sure the produce bags I'm ordering online have enough "breathability" through the mesh to not hold moisture. I'll get pictures through this upcoming season so you can see it in action.
I looked through all my old pictures but don't have any saved from the melons & pumpkins I grew vertically the summer of 2021. However, I used old t-shirts and mosquito netting to make slings during that experiment. In both cases, moisture wasn't able to easily evaporate so I did have problems with mold. I made sure the produce bags I'm ordering online have enough "breathability" through the mesh to not hold moisture. I'll get pictures through this upcoming season so you can see it in action.
A sling made of nylons or netting would probably work.

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