What did you do in the garden today?

New here,

I started getting seed starting supplies ready. I live in zone 5. Always plant my seeds way to early:oops: trying to control my impulse to plant.
Welcome! Also zone 5, but the open prairie plays by nobody's rules but her own. So zone 5 in theory only.
This board flies, so don't feel overwhelmed by its pace, just jump right in when you can. There are a lot of methods of gardening going on in here, plenty of zones represented, old timers and newbies. Everyone is friendly :)

This cotton-pickin lemon tree.... 🤬

It's dropping leaves again. They seem to be turning yellow from the trunk up and out. Young and old leaves. I checked it over carefully for pests. Found one tiny scale bug but no others. No other pests. I gave it tree spikes (fertilizer) about 2 weeks ago. And I've been very careful on the watering. I have a soil moisture meter in it to tell me when to water.

This tree HATES me. I swear it. 🤬😑
You don't get cotton off a lemon tree. Geesh, woman!

Spring is when they loose their leaves and grow new, at least that's what mine always did after citrus season.
New here,

I started getting seed starting supplies ready. I live in zone 5. Always plant my seeds way to early:oops: trying to control my impulse to plant.
It is such a hard impulse to control, too! I don't know of anybody on this thread who doesn't have that same struggle!

You GUYS!! After being on here learning about chickens for almost 3 years, I believe THIS is the year we are going to get chickens! We officially earmarked some money for a coop built by some of the Amish nearby, and I already bought hardware cloth for the run! That's actual, real life, tangible progress! Next is refreshing my knowledge on brooding supplies and how to raise chicks! I'm so excited!!:wee:bun:ya:celebrate
It is such a hard impulse to control, too! I don't know of anybody on this thread who doesn't have that same struggle!

You GUYS!! After being on here learning about chickens for almost 3 years, I believe THIS is the year we are going to get chickens! We officially earmarked some money for a coop built by some of the Amish nearby, and I already bought hardware cloth for the run! That's actual, real life, tangible progress! Next is refreshing my knowledge on brooding supplies and how to raise chicks! I'm so excited!!:wee:bun:ya:celebrate
YAY! How exciting! 😊

Zone 5 here, too. Such a short growing season!
I bought some Purple Zebra cherry tomato seeds from Park Seeds, and I just realize it cost $9.95 for 10 seeds. I bought it because this is the only one I could find at Park's seed website with some resistance to both Tomato Mosaic Virus and Yellow leaf curl virus. The rest of the seeds I got only had Tomato Mosaic resistance. I found out that the yellow leaf curl virus also stunts the tomato plant's growth.

I already have a virus resistant tomato plant growing in a 5 gallon wicking bucket called Princess Yum Yum with tomato Mosaic and Yellow Leaf Curl virus resistance, but decided to also try the Purple Zebra. It may turn out to be a winner for me.

I hope I find a way around this stunting disease.

The only thing I can do is spray neem oil with soap to kill and repel the white flies weekly. The insects are the ones that spread the disease.

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