What did you do in the garden today?

Cleaned up the greenhouse I built last spring. I removed the screen door and started the fan removal so I can install it on the greenhouse greenhouse.
I also raked out the manure that I put in there in October, and figured out how much soil I want to add in on top to round it out.
Then I sowed 10 sq feet of flax and tossed a lawn blanket on top to discourage birds. We shall see. I do think this whole thing will be flowers in the middle of the main garden. I think it will be lovely. I'll even put a bird bath in there. Bees, butterflies all welcome.
I might put up ONE climbing panel for luffa or some over the garden gate florals.

I have an appointment next week at the tree nursery, so there's the hazel trees sorted. We shall see what else follows me home. HA!
I was going to work the garden and start a new bed tomorrow, but the weather decide to go head over tea cup and start down pouring rain, sounds like a cow pissing on a flat rock, as my grandfather would say. I have started my first three flats of plants last week, this weekend I will start the next "wave". Still need to figure out how to get better drainage in my back yard/ garden area.

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