What did you do in the garden today?

I have an entire Hoosier cabinet dedicated to nothing but honey. Local, far-flung reaches, and international, plain and flavoured. Pollens in honey does NOTHING for my allergies....I am queen of allergies. LOL.
4 shots a week and allergic to antihists too. HA!

Your only solution! lol

Seriously though, that must really suck! I was shocking with allergies as a kid, hospitalised with asthma etc. No fun.
My daughter in law gave me several cuttings from her black currant bush, and some of them were big, multi-branched sections. I got out my pruners and made several small cuttings from the big ones. I now have about 16 cuttings in an old battery box full of dirt.

I will have a black currant grove/forest in the future if they all form roots and grow. LOL

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This is a currant cutting that I planted early last spring. It's already leafing out now, and I'm hoping to see one or two clusters of blossoms on it this season.

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These are the little plants I set out in the garden yesterday...

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This flower is just outside the run. The chickens have had plenty of chances to eat it, but it must not on their preferred foods list.

I don't know what kind of flower it is. Does anybody know???

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And this is my garden compost factory....

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Looks like a Hyacinth to me.
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Your only solution! lol

Seriously though, that must really suck! I was shocking with allergies as a kid, hospitalised with asthma etc. No fun.
Nah. I just plow through, complain a lot, and live through it anyway. Been this way my whole life. Besides, the chickens would just burst my bubble.
Rhubarb... I'm giving 'forcing' a try this year. I covered the plants last week with styrofoam covers made for winterizing roses. I placed a rock/paver on top to hold it down in the wind and left it be. I read online to leave them covered for 8 weeks starting just when the plants start to sprout in the Spring. 8 weeks seems a long time to me, so I'll check on them weekly and might vent the bottom as the weather warms up - I don't want to cook the plants.

Anybody have experience forcing rhubarb? Share your experience and advise with me please.
I forced rhubarb. It didn't survive. 😭 I just wanted to wish you luck! 😁
Peas are sprouted and just beginning to grow out in the garden. Sowed carrots and a number of greens out there already too, although they are not yet sprouted.
A bunch of seeds are started in the garage under the grow lights. Tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, oregano and some others are all doing well. I sowed cabbage starts and it appears that only 2 of 10 seeds are actually sprouted and growing. The others should have sprouted by now. I might have to replant some more cabbage.
Just sowed pickling cucumbers the other day and waiting for them to sprout.

DS wants corn this year - I need to till that side of the garden over the next month here. Going to be planting a yellow sweet variety as well as strawberry red corn and a blue corn - I managed to pop glass gem corn in the past and I'm going to try popping the red and blue corns this year - I would plant an actual popcorn but DS liked these varieties.

DD wants to sow more seeds today. I will probably let her sow some cabbage replacements and some lettuce.

Not planning anything wacky this year - sticking to the basics for the most part. Planning to grow sugar baby watermelons - that's a bit outside my zone and about as wacky as I'm getting.

welcome back!

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