What egg is best for you?


11 Years
May 30, 2008
Bayfield colorado
Just wondering, I heard a blue- green egg is lower in cholesterol, is that true? But white and brown eggs are the same, just different colors. What about turkey or duck eggs, are they any better for you than a chicken egg?
Cholesterol in grams:
Chicken eggs: 218
Duck: 530
Quail: 76

I prefer brown eggs myself but most I know say they can't tell the difference. I wish I could get in my class, one of my students did a study on eggs, cholesterol and health related issues that was just fantastic for science fair project.
No matter what anyone says, blue/green eggs ARE different. I have no clue on nutrition content...don't quite have the equipment to analyze them. I DO, however, know how they look and taste. Of all the eggs I have eaten, the blue and green ones are the thickest yolked, richest, and darkest. These are from chickens that all live/eat/etc exactly the same. Every single time and from different flocks.
* When my folks both got diagnosed with high cholesterol after a few years as northeners, I did a little research. I found out that cholesterol in the body converts to vit. D with sun exposure!!! Told my folks to get out and plant a garden. They did that and also took my other suggestion to take flaxseed oil caps. They did both and 6 months later, step-dads is perfectly fine, Mom's is down 6O%!!!!!!
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Thanks for all the input, I had a customer who wanted the blue-green EE eggs because of his health. I have 3 colors of eggs so I had to sell him a combo doz. Anyways I love all my eggs.

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