what food to give when combining layers and ducklings


5 Years
Jun 6, 2019
Hi, I am just looking for a refresher on duckling feed. I had two that are just beginning to form angel wing, and I realize their protein levels need to be dropped. I'm getting closer to combing my ducklings with my older ducks who are all laying and eating Mazuri 17% protein 3% calcium layer formula, with a little Purina duck food 19% protein mixed in. Should I switch to a maintenance feed until the ducklings are laying - the Mazuri maintenance is 14% protein. I think that's more in the range I need the ducklings to be in. My layers eat a ton of oyster shells.
Here were the wings of the worst one yesterday - after a day of wearing the sock they are already looking better. I've never had this happen with ducklings before, but also my first experience with Black Swedish. They were eating 20% protein and are 4-5 weeks.

I have a boy who has Angel wing that we couldn’t keep the wrap on to fix
He is now almost 2
The vet told me it’s my fault for higher protein feed and I should have switched him from starter at 2 weeks to grower
Since then I have done as they say and never had another one
Vet said anything over 17% was to high
My feed is 16% in grower
Layer feed may have to much calcium for younger birds
I use grower for all my adults so my boys don’t get to much calcium and I add crushed oyster shells in a separate bowl
This way my young birds are on the same feed when I add them to the flock
In winter I do add in starter feed for extra protein in winter
5 cups grower to 1 cup starter

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