What type of bedding is best for pot bellied pig?

sandy sea

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Rogersville MO
It is going to be colder tonight. Low 30's. I am planning to go get some more wood shavings for the chicken coop. My pot bellied pigs shares the coop with the chickens. but they have their own area {away from the nesting boxes and eggs}. The pigs cover themselves in the shavings but the shaving get pretty grinded and dusty from them walking on it. Would hay or straw be better for bedding for the pigs? Should I add a heater?
Perhaps give them some hay to hunker down in and get all cozy, make some beds out of hay, and let them arrange it the way they like it, and add some extra shavings.

I won't tell you I know what to do, but it's just my experience with other animals, that the more comfortable you can make it without adding heat, the better off they will be in the long run.
It's softer, and in my opinion, I'd rather sleep in hay than straw
Plus, who says you can't eat your bed afterwards ANYWAY. I use it in our chicken run so the chickens don't freeze their little toes off lol.
My 3 pots love straw bedding. It seems to stay dry and clean longer than hay. I line the inside of their sleeping pen in bales of stray, then put loose straw on the floor in the middle for them to cuddle up on. It keeps it nice and cosy for them.
They do enjoy munching on hay during the winter when they can't get grass to chew on.
I ended up getting straw. The sales lady said that she uses straw and said it was alot cheaper than hay, I added the straw to their sleeping quarters and they just dove right in, totally covering themselves. They are sooo cute and happy.

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