When do I remove heat lamp/move my bantams outside


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
I have two week old bantams that are under a heat lamp inside. How long do we need to keep them under the heat lamp and at what age can they be moved outside full-time? It is just now starting to warm up here but won't be consistently above 40s at night for at least another month or so.

You will want to wait at least till they have feathers to take them outside, even then wait till its about 60 outside so the temperature change isn't a huge shock to them. I housed my chicks in the house, then the garage both times with a heatlamp but when its nice out let them run outside to start getting used to it
How long and what temperature should they be at under the heat lamp? They act like they're freezing right now and it's 80-85 where they are (huddled together) and about 75ish in the rest of their box.
I don't want them to freeze or get cold but I know they need to start 'weaning' off the lamp at some point.
Okay so this is my prefab juvenile chick coop.. today is officially going to be their first day outside.. i know i didn't pick the best of days with it about to rain and windy.. but they are too big for the 54 gallon tote inside the house...and its driving me nuts.... so i took a down comforter and put it on the roof of the run and <<<<< side of the coop...put a large piece of plywood on top ... a sheet on the other side <<<<< and two folding card tables... sounds more and more ghetto i know... so only >>>> this part here where the door is open (is shut now) is the only part exposed.. i moved the heat lamp inside... the little coop part and there are some pine shavings on the floor of it.. and sand now where that weedy grass was... i hope they will be okay.. they will be 5 weeks old sunday.. and they are just driving me nutzo in the house.. they are also right by the back porch (you can see the cement in the pic) so i can check on them constantly..


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