Wildlife Photography

They are beautiful !! I bet you laughed when you seen the rabbit. Thank you for the help today ! You were spot on.
@Akrnaf2 (Benny?)
I think you will enjoy this.
You're welcome. I've been considering raising some rabbits recently so I've been doing a lot of research (aka watching a bunch of YouTube videos, lol). Only reason I half knew what I was talking about :gig
I hope he makes it :bun
@mdees88 - Thank you so much! She had just come out with her mom for the first time that year to that part of the 'stead. She played around while mom was eating then they walked off calmly and for some reason she turned and looked back while following mom and it was just a precious moment!

Very cool. You timed that one just right.

Here's my only deer pics. It was a doe and and a little button buck. I stopped the truck when I saw them and they both turned and looked at me. It was very early in the morning and I had to use a SUPER slow shutter speed (1/15th of a second).

I was able to take about a dozen pics before they ran off. These were the only two that were sharp enough to keep...



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