Sick and tired of pesky mosquitos? Try this trick!!

There are some spelling and grammar issues with this article, and I would definitely recommend adding a warning about where/how you use these techniques. Adding these types of product to pools of standing water where pets and other wildlife can get into them could be dangerous or fatal.
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Got it! Thank you😁
I'm all for anything to kill those pesky buggers!

I think a "puddle" needs to be explained though as putting bleach in a puddle where frogs, chickens, etc., are wouldn't be healthy. I presume you're talking about a puddle in a driveway after a rain?

I also agree, cite some sources for your information.
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Got it! Yes I meant puddles from the rain in the driveway or yard. Thank you for the review!😁
Thanks for writing the article!

The little mosquitos in the spring are a different type from the big ones later. There are quite a few different breeds that hatch in a year.

Running the article through spell check would make it easier to read.

Adding come citations to sourced would help readers get more information too.
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Alright thank you for the review😁
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