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  • I am looking for a large quantity of black Penedesenca hatching eggs. Do you sell them and currently have any? I would need them shipped to Miami if that is possible.
    Perhaps you know from your profile here.
    Can I collect eggs pre-incubation at 70 F for 3-4 days? How about 63 F?
    Cooling them to 55 is a challenge.
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    Reactions: ChickenCanoe
    That is doable. While not ideal, you can collect eggs from just over 32 to about 80F. About 82 is where cell division begins. On the cold end, as long as ice crystals haven't formed, they can still be viable.
    I hope that by shortening the storage period the hatch rate will stay up. We shall see.
    I saw you say you raise a breed with less than 200 in the country- what breed do you have?
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    Reactions: ChickenCanoe
    Penedesencas, Black variety. The only DP variety of the 4. The egg varieties are Wheaten, Partridge and Crele. Some of those may be more common than blacks. There is only one hatchery that sells black Penes but that is Sandhill Preservation and they have very few birds. I'm sure I have more than they do.
    Wow, that is very rare!
    A friend of mine has 18 chickens who all get the same food. One of her chickens lays an egg that tastes horrible. She describes it as you were tasting someone's bad halitosis. She figured out which chicken it was & it constantly lays these horrible tasting eggs. Is there a reason for this & can anything be done to change it. She is sending me a photo but from her description, I suspect it is a Rode Island Red.
    How dark are the eggs compared to a Marans egg? What size egg do they lay and how many per year?
    Size is large to jumbo. As you know, pullet eggs take some time to get some size on them. I don't set eggs below 50 grams but of the 50 eggs due to hatch in 2 days, they rangege from 50-80 grams. I have to use some jumbo egg trays in the setter to hold them. They don't fit in normal chicken egg trays.
    I sent you a message wanting to order chicks and sent to 58478.
    I am also interested in purchasing either hatching eggs or chix from you, black penes. What are your prices? My Zip code in Tucson is 85739.
    Thank you. K
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