Happy Chooks
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  • This website is giving me issues in the forums. Not sure if it's just me, and I dont know how to report it to admins and such. Dont know if it's just my phone or the adds on the sight, but everytime I go into the forums my phone alerts me of possible threats from one thing or another. Is it just my phone?
    I wanted to offer to donate a prize or two for the 2019 Hatch A Long contests this year, if you'd like (I contributed a few before). I make origami models as physical therapy and have an Etsy shop (linked below) if you'd like to see examples of what I make, just let me know if I can donate anything! :) https://www.etsy.com/shop/VelvetSparrowOrigami
    Hi, I saw a post you commented on a 21 week old hen that kept falling forward and you said it was Wry Neck. I have a chick that is doing the same and apears to be walking on his toes, tail up and his neck is not up and bobbing back and forth when he walk. I saw you said about the Vitamin E and Selenium but you didn't say how long to treat it for and whether it is an everyday treatment. Thank You.

    Hey! I wanted to change my username to TheArabChook because I didn't know that it could not be changed when I first registered my BYC account is that okay?
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