Reviews by Farmgirl1878

Pros: Sweet, curious, friendly, good in a mixed flock
Cons: Feathered feet are difficult to keep clean and dry in winter
My little Miss Sassypants is definitely not at the bottom of the pecking order! She will take on birds much larger than she is when they run around trying to decide who’s boss. She’s friendly, curious, and a talker. I highly recommend you add a few to your flock. They are very entertaining little birds. Don’t tell the others, but she’s one of my favorites!


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Pros: Heavy duty, holds a lot of water, great interior handle - comfortable to carry, works with a heated base, easy to keep clean
Cons: Chickens love to perch on the top
Love it! I bought it this summer to use with a heated base during the winter, but the birds liked it so well that we’ve kept it out since we brought it home from Rural King and filled it up!
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UPDATE AS OF January 2024:

The waterer is still working perfectly. I use a rag and dishwashing soap to clean it every once in a while. No build up, no leaks, no problems. And the girls are all grown up so don’t try to perch on the top anymore! 😜
Pros: Extremely durable, easy to haul, colorful, easy to clean, thick wire handle that won’t hurt your hands when carrying heavy loads
Cons: Curious chickens who love to try to see what’s inside...
These are great buckets. I have them in several sizes and colors and use them for hauling feed, water, eggs, my gloves, tools, trash, poop - you name it, it probably goes in the bucket. They’re nearly indestructible and inexpensive. Great tool for the farm!
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