
Just A Couple Of Chickens

"Just A Couple of Chickens" is a genuinely enjoyable read. Laugh out loud funny, informative and...

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"Just A Couple of Chickens" is a genuinely enjoyable read. Laugh out loud funny, informative and utterly timely. It is a poignant and very real story of one family's poultry raising adventure during a five-year crucible of economic and identity crisis that took on national relevance when their contracting business collapsed under the first wave of the economic crash in 2008. Their story hits home with heart-breaking reality. While getting a couple of chickens may have been Andrew's idea, Corinne was the one who took it over the top with thirty fluffy pheasant, five and twenty chickens, over forty Chukar, and fifteen ducklings. There were also twelve smelly quail, nine girl geese, two roosters, and a partridge in a pine tree. They were farming by Internet on a two-acre parcel near Santa Fe, New Mexico, scrabbling through the canyon that separates knowledge and experience when it comes to raising poultry. Corinne created www.TheFeatheredEgg.com a web-based business that arose like a phoenix from the eggs and feathers from the flock. She approaches her role as mother, wife, and businessman with a unique perspective that she captures with droll clarity and good humor. Chicken farming was only the most recent use of her BA in Industrial/Scientific Photography from the Brooks Institute of Photography. This book is yet another, featuring her portraits of the family's feathered friends.


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