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  1. KikiLeigh02

    Easter Egger Chick

    I have one that's almost 8 weeks now. I'll try to remember to get a picture tomorrow. Mine feathered out really pretty!
  2. KikiLeigh02

    Easiest eggs to incubate?

    If you want the kids to be able to watch development by candling, eggs that are white or cream colored are amazing.
  3. KikiLeigh02

    Lavender Americauna

    How old?
  4. KikiLeigh02

    ISO Blue/black/splash ameraucana hatching eggs

    You could check with Rachel at Gypsy Hen. Her Blues have gorgeous lacing. I've had really good luck with her shipped eggs.
  5. KikiLeigh02

    Barnevelder cross with Easter Egger

    What colors are your EE's laying? How dark are the Barnevelder pullets laying?
  6. KikiLeigh02

    Incubators Anonymous

    He's so handsome! I love how much color he has! My Bielefelder has similar issues, lol. I did finally hear him crow yesterday, so :fl! His crow was definitely a change of pace from the squeaky little bantam crows I'm used to.
  7. KikiLeigh02

    Australorp, Maran or mix?

    Did the hatchery you purchased from sell Olive Eggers by any chance? She looks like she could be French Marans x Cream Legbar mix to me.
  8. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I would wait! Sometimes the does are weird if you bother her kits, especially first timers.
  9. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    :love Oh my goodness! They are gorgeous!
  10. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    :lau Good one!
  11. KikiLeigh02

    Gender check lavender Orpington

    I'm with @Alexandra33, I would guess slow maturing cockerel. The leg size, comb & wattle development, and lack of a tail make me think cockerel. My understanding is that you have to keep breeding back to Black Orps to fix the feather quality.
  12. KikiLeigh02

    Azure Hatching Eggs and Blue Quail Eggs?

    I want to say it was right at 65%! A couple have started laying so far! I should have kept them separate because I can't tell them apart now. I just have quail, but I had a very positive experience. She packages really well and is super easy to deal with.
  13. KikiLeigh02

    Azure Hatching Eggs and Blue Quail Eggs?

    These are the blue eggs and standard Coturnix eggs I purchased from them. If I understand correctly she selectively bred her regular Coturnix overtime to get her blue eggs layers. The photo she shows on this page is the progression I believe.
  14. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Will the top part with the holes pop off the one you already have? I did that with mine until they were big enough to use it with the guard, I just put it back on when they got big enough to start making a mess.
  15. KikiLeigh02

    Please suggest breed

    I love my Bielefelers. I would definitely reccomend giving them a try with the goals you have.
  16. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    My scissors remove the end completely. Is that not what y'all are doing?
  17. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I forgot my last hatch too. :lau 31 quail pick-up was a blast! Those little jokers are so dang fast!!!
  18. KikiLeigh02

    Thank you! Congrats on your badge!

    Thank you! Congrats on your badge!
  19. KikiLeigh02

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  20. KikiLeigh02

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Did you refridgerate any of these? (Just curious.)
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