
  1. M

    What gender?

    Hi all, I have 4 silkies all are 12 weeks olds. Pretty confident I’ve identified their gender however just looking for clarification? Thanks
  2. M

    What genders are these

    Hi, all of these chickens are 12 weeks old. I am having difficulty sexting them and being confident as they are a random mix breeds we got as eggs. There is one photo of each chicken, i have an idea but just looking for confirmation Thanks
  3. P

    Is this a female?

    Hi. Does this look like a girl? Seems a bit larger than the others and sometimes I see the tail feathers pointing a bit downward…although my girls do that sometimes too. ‘She’ is about 7 weeks old now. Thank you!
  4. Z

    Good old 'boy or girl?'

    One Blue Andalusian and two leghorns about 17-18 weeks old I'm guessing 2 girls and one rooster!
  5. akf93

    Khaki Campbell Sexing

    I’m struggling with this one! 3 month old Khaki Campbell. I have two hens for sure. But this third still hasn’t changed wing colors. It’s bill is more green than the others. But it’s quack is not super distinguishable either way. It doesn’t sound at all like my drakes but it’s not loud or...
  6. C

    Please tell me she’s a SHE!

    Hi all, can someone tell me what breed this pullet is and confirm that she is in fact a girl? I got her from TSC and her comb and waddles have developed a lot quicker than everyone else’s and they’re so big and very red. Was hoping that means she was going to lay soon but notice today what...
  7. MageofMist

    Hens or Roosters?

    Got three little Serama chicks who are 7/8 weeks old, one who is 100% a boy and two who look to possibly be hens? Though could also be boys. Possible hens: Little Lemon Pingu: 100% da boi: Loki... Named such as he is always looking to see what trouble he can get himself into. Also always on...
  8. L

    Polish chick around 3 months old I was told a girl?

  9. L

    Gender of my silkies?

    Both are over 4 months. Chicken 1 has started to grow very small wattles and has a slightly larger comb. Chicken 2 no wattles yet.
  10. FatChicksDigMe

    Alchemist farm month old silkie roo? Pic heavy

    I know its very early, but I was wondering if someone experienced with silkies can help. He is a paint silkie from alchemist farm, and just so cute and fluffy. However, while I hoped for a girl, seeing how tall he stands, how independent, and how big his feet and body is I think I can guess for...
  11. H

    Anyone sex quail?

    So, as a homeschool project, besides chickens, my daughter and I also hatched a few quail. First time quail owner here - I think I have one male and one female - ignore the pheasant and chickens in the background. Any guesses to the gender? They are tough to photograph, sorry. I appreciate...
  12. H

    Gender Reveal?!?

    Good afternoon, My daughter and I incubated and hatched some backyard chickens eggs from a friend as a homeschool science project. We got these eggs from a friend and we do not know the breed(s). Any guesses at the genders? I fear we have 3 roo 😂. Just my luck. One of them has started getting...
  13. L

    Boy or girl guess? Some updated pics, I notice a difference in personality, 12 weeks

  14. Quailophile

    Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?

    Hello chicken peeps, I'm new to chickens (I have quail). My friend gave me some Serama x OEGB eggs, and I hatched 4 chicks. Can anyone tell me what sex they are, and the name of their colors? They are all 3 weeks old today.
  15. spicegirlchicks

    Is this a roo?

    This little chickie seems more bold than the rest. Jumps at me and pecks at me and chest bumps the other chicks. Won't run away when I reach for him/her (which is nice because my kids & I like to hold them). Is it too early to tell if a roo? It is one of 12 chicks of various breeds including 4...
  16. A


    Pretty sure it’s a boy but the comb hasn’t grown very much so now I’m not sure. I’m also pretty sure it’s a lace wyandotte
  17. DandyAndMahi

    Is my chicken a male or female?

    My mom and I recently took in a cute chicken that was going to be butchered this week and named her Zebra. She’s the sweetest chicken and I love her so much! But there is debate on whether she’s a boy or girl. I think she’s a girl and my mom thinks she’s a boy. What do you guys think? Also...
  18. Buckwheat77

    Pullet Americaunas/EE? Final verdict?

    Hello again ! I figure why not give another weekly update on these cuties and see if we can all agree that they are .... girls ??? I hope ??? Looking for any opinions again 🥰. They are 14 weeks now! 1 is chip and 2 is Sven.
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Boy or Girl?

    Meet "Big Darla," in all of her ambiguous glory: Or perhaps, "Big Daryl" depending on how things go. Sh/e's an 8-week-old Americauna (who is probably an EE), and who, despite her strikingly Dickensian beard, we were always pretty sure was a girl... Until we started seeing some suspect...
  20. J

    Boy/girl? Breed?

    Hi all, this little 3 week old’s Mom is a Serama Bantam, I think the Dad is my Appenzeller Spitzhauben, due to the grey legs, but I also have a Serama bantam cockerel, a pekin bantam cockerel and a Cream Legbar. What do you think? Also, do you think hen or cockerel?
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