
  1. Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    We've lived in Arizona for 30 years. In 2012 our friend and neighbor Lou passed. He would put rocks up on the top columns of his patio for doves to nest. Doves are horrible nest builders and often their eggs roll out of their flimsy built nest. The neighbor who bought his home had no interest...
  2. C

    hen leaves her eggs for too long

    Hi! New to chicken raising, and we’ve put some eggs under our hen, which she’s taken too. The only problem that she leaves them for up to hours. Will this problem be fixed with her next eggs, is it due to her young age? Thanks!
  3. Backyard Birds Rehab

    Indio Gigante broodiness

    Hello again everyone! I’ve recently purchased 6 Indio Gigante chicks from Greenfire farms! And I have a few questions for anyone who may be more knowledgeable than myself! I’ve heard mixed ideas on whether or not Indio Gigante chickens are good mothers / brooders. I’m always looking for a good...
  4. yamashta

    Japanese Quail questions

    Howdy, I'm new here. I have quail but they're young and still indoors as my hutch isn't QUITE ready for them (I want to make alterations and want to make them before moving them into it, as it'd probably be stressful to get them used to being in it only to pluck them out for a time while I alter...
  5. M

    Thank you... New member.

    I have two chicken houses. I found that buying from 2 different hatches sometimes separates the pack. I have a lovely rooster. He is in with his two older babes and one is brooding her first clutch. The other female is the rooster's companion for now. I have another pen with six 1 yr old hens...
  6. C

    Chicks AND Ducklings raised by Broody Silkies!

    So I have a couple broody silkies who have been hatching eggs, plus I tucked a couple incubated chicks under them. My question…. There is a couple ducks in the mix and I’m struggling with what the best thing to do for food is? I can’t use medicated chick feed because of the ducklings, so I used...
  7. C

    Brooding hen running away from eggs

    Recently got a flock of 10 chickens and a rooster, a week has passed now I believe one of my hens have gone broody. She sits in the nest box all day, when I get close to her or open the nest box she runs away and clucks non stop until she goes back in. I’ve been told that broody hens are usually...
  8. G

    Aggressive or normal? HELP!

    Hi! First time brooding. Our chicks are hatching at different times, we’re getting roughly 1 a day at the minute. We have 2 currently in the brooder, separated, as the 1 day older one was pecking the younger one. Another has hatched today and is still in the incubator. How is the best way to...
  9. saving grace

    Brooding Chicks and Ducklings Together

    Hello! I'm planning on getting some ducklings and chicks in April (they'll be hatched on the same day), and was wondering if anyone has experience with brooding them together. I've read different veiwpoints on the matter, some say it works, others say it's dangerous. I can definitely do two...
  10. Jester57

    My rant

    Let me start off by saying I am far from an expert; I've been keeping chickens for about a year and a half. I've been a reading BackYard Chickens during almost all of that time. I've learned a few things along the way, mostly enough to be dangerous. But it's that learning curve that I really...
  11. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    Hello, i would like your advice on feather loss. I have 2 hens, no rooster, and there is no pecking between them. One of my hens (she is 23 months) has been missing feathers on her belly, near her keel bone for 6 months. Her skin is a bit red and it looks like a brood patch. She has been...
  12. Sandwitch

    Silkie hen hatching/brooding questions

    Hi! So let me start off by saying that this is all still rather new to us so I have a couple questions. So we have a little silkie hen who has recently started to go a bit broody. We've still been taking the eggs but I'm starting to think about if we should just let her keep a couple and see if...
  13. Egg Finder

    Winter Brooding Advice

    I've been reading through posts and I think I've decided what I might do. But if anyone is in a similar climate or situation, I'd love some advice. I've brooded chicks outside during the spring twice with success. I used a small coop and a brooding plate. This was the plan again for this year...
  14. M

    Questions from a first-timer (Freedom Ranger/Kosher King)

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, and we're preparing to start our chicken journey this summer. We're going with meat chickens - likely Freedom Rangers and Kosher Kings - and will have them on pasture as much as possible. A few questions in planning out our adventure: - Timing: Part of our objective...
  15. S

    Brooder in winter

    I am wondering what y’all would recommend for brooding chicks artificially in the winter? What kind of brooder should I buy/make? I can put it in the coop so it’s draft-free, but I also want to make sure they are warm enough without a fire hazard. We got electricity there, so that’s not an...
  16. Marty_n_bb

    Should i be worried?

    Hello! I am a new duck owner. Over the pandemic me and my wife decide to get pet ducks. We got two from the local farm store, hoping both were females, but to our suprise we got one male ancona (marty) and one female cyuga (Bernadette). The males aggression made us worry after the first year or...
  17. sylvaniaduckmom

    Cayuga Egg - Bad Egg?

    Hello! My cayuga is currently sitting on 6 eggs. I keep checking every 2 days to make sure they’re all doing well. This egg has a lot of dark matter in it and it’s pretty hard to see. I’m pretty sure it’s a bad egg, but I figured I would get a few other opinions before ditching it, since I’m...
  18. C

    Blankets with ducklings

    This is my third time raising a group of ducklings. I've been looking for more convenient ways to clean after them and I heard of some people using towels. I have them on some old blankets right now and it is helping them walk a lot better (they were really wobbly, as they had a tough shipment)...
  19. Diveks

    First time hatching and raising button quail

    Hello, im looking to raise some button quails as pets and im getting some quail eggs from random coloured pairs so colour guessing should be fun! I have several questions regarding the equipment i will be using. The eggs will be shipped today (freshly laid eggs today), and if all goes well in...
  20. TheMrsChick

    First time with a broody and so many questions!

    Hey yall! We have a hen that has gone broody, and she's on roughly day 7 today. She is a first-time brooder and she is one out of a flock of 15. I have read the books I have and scoured the web for what to do regarding her living arrangements and there is so much conflicting information and I'm...
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