
  1. dublinducks

    Silkie Hen Feathers Strangulated Chick Leg - Unsure How to Proceed

    We have two silkie hens who are currently co-raising two chicks together (also silkies). Yesterday I heard a chick screaming and ran in to find one hen walking around with a baby stuck to her, flopping the chick around as she moved. I grabbed him, ripped him off the Mom, and raced him inside to...
  2. B

    Help! Moving to a New House with First Flock!

    I'm new here, so I'll try to keep it brief in a hello and please help me post! I have NO idea how we are going to make our new house's yard work for our animals. I had chickens for years as a child and loved caring for them. We finally got 6 baby Brahmas, quickly reduced to 5 - my favorite did...
  3. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day old chick - Leg Weakness

    Last night, DH brought home four of the most adorable little French Wheaten Marans chicks, to add to the three Bielefelder and two SLW chicks he brought home the night before. (Whoops!) He didn't really have the opportunity to pick them, the kid just grabbed four yellow chicks and put them in...
  4. Cloverr39

    Silkie or silkie mix?

    I'm trying to figure out if this chick is a silkie or silkie mix. What's making me think it's not a silkie is cause it hatched with light colored legs that have gotten darker over the past week. The legs are still a little yellowish green. The non-silkie hen I suspect might be it's mother is a...
  5. MayaMirko

    Chick is throwing up??

    I just bought a very young chick today, and he seems to be throwing up/salivating bubbles?? he keeps doing that beak movement like he's constantly swallowing or drinking something.. I'm really worried for him :( it happens after he drinks water, if anyone knows about this please help!
  6. Goosey Girl

    Should I pull the egg???

    One Sebastopol gosling egg is VERY narrow. Its pointy end is pointy. Considering that the female is barely a year old, should I remove that egg??? I've never had to cull a chick and am concerned that the gosling that grows in the narrow shell might not develop properly. Does anyone have any...
  7. DuckDuckPromise

    Leg injury, but unsure of treatment? Please help!

    Hi there! We have some chickens that will be 12 weeks old tomorrow, Lord’s Willing! Sadly, a raccoon got into the pen a few nights back and got one of them :hit Praise The Lord, the others all seemed okay, but we noticed one laying down more than others. She (he) is still eating and drinking...
  8. C

    My ducks eating my chicken eggs!

    Hello all, I have had chickens for a few years but am a first time duck owner and have had them for a year now. I’ve had instances of chickens eating their own eggs which isn’t surprising (bc chickens are chickens) but I caught one of my Pekin’s this morning eating one of my chicken eggs! Then I...
  9. O

    "Production Red" Chick Sexing?

    Hi all, first time posting on this thread. We just got our first baby chicks from TSC on Saturday. They were labeled as straight run production reds. They are likely a week old plus or minus a couple days at this point. We've been researching production reds, but have run into some confusing...
  10. S

    Help! Chick started limping

    One of my baby chicks started limping at about a week old. It holds it's foot way off the ground and balances on one leg. It gets around fine using its wings and it still eats and drinks some. The foot is uninjured although ive noticed the toes not growing out very fast (the chick may not even...
  11. C

    He or she?

    I ordered some pullets a few weeks back and am worried one may be a cockerel and I can’t have another one! I ordered a few different breeds so she’s my only (and first) SS and she’s starting to look a little suspicious lol I’ve never had issues ordering from them in the past they’ve always been...
  12. Wandering_r0gue

    Affectionate/needy chick?

    We have one coturnix quail chick that will yell at us, until we pick it up, then it quiets down and twitters. Eventually, it wants down.... then it starts calling again... has anyone else experienced this? Seems healthy, eats, drinks and moves well, is just a cuddlebug.
  13. Wandering_r0gue

    Anyone know what the problem was?

    I am just finishing up my first time Quail hatch, and I, as one would expect, had a few losses. One died on its own. And 2 I had to put down. The first one was unable to stand, kept falling on its back and unable to get up again. The second, which this is really about, never did well.. was...
  14. C

    Yokohama chick acting weird!!

    Hello! I recently got chicks for my backyard and got two Yokohamas with the ten chicks I got. Sadly one already has passed, I tried every efforts to bring her back to recovery but on day four she was gone. But now I’m left with my last Yokohama who is showing similar symptoms but at the same...
  15. H

    Help! - My chick just wont leave me alone

    So, i have this approximately 4 day old chicken hatchling that lost it's siblings in unfortunate circumstance, i am not new to birds but i am new to chicks and hatchlings like this one, the problem is that it got very attached to me, leaving her (i think it's a gurl) for a moment would cause an...
  16. MotherDucker3

    Could i have saved this chick?

    I recently hatched 4 healthy chicks. 2 hatched day 20 (saturday) and 2 hatched day 21 (sunday). Today is day 22 and the 5th and final egg pipped around 10am. I patiently waited all day. Only saw a little progress. (See first photo). About 30 minutes ago I went to check on the egg and didn't see...
  17. Paz

    Chick has a weird thing on its belly

    I am hatching chicks, and chick number three has what looks like a teenager’s pimple. It took it a long while to get out of its egg, (2+hours) so I helped it crack the eggshell, any chance I did it?
  18. Sandwitch

    Couple day old chick with naval protrusion

    We hatched our first eggs these past couple days and this little one has been concerning us. She's completely bright eyed and bushy tailed and seems like a perfectly normal chick.... minus the bump. We gave her an extra night in the incubator but I'm a bit worried that might've made things worse...
  19. President_ChickenGirl

    Chick with wry neck?

    Hello, @TudyBOT! I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry neck, but the...
  20. President_ChickenGirl

    Chick with wry neck?

    I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them (the lightest gray in the pictures) eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry...
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