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    My hen Pepper, had only one chick hatch, so I ran to Tractor Supply Store last night before they closed and picked up 2 Blue Plymouth Rocks and 3 Marans The orange chick is the one she hatched. Everybody seems contented and happy today.
  2. F

    Silkie chick.. pasty butt or something else?

    I have silkie chicks that are now about a 1 1/2 weeks old. I noticed last week, one had what appeared to be poop dried on its bottom, so I assumed it was pasty butt and brought it in that evening to try and clean it up! When I brought it in and started to try and clean it, I noticed that it...
  3. T

    Cross Breeds

    I have 2 black copper Maran roosters in my flock and several different hen types. I recently had a successful hatch of 2 eggs from my coop one is very much a Maran the other I believe is a x with ISA brown. Opinions? Thoughts? How do I determine sex? Thanks!
  4. N

    Mixing 5 and 9 week old chicks

    Is it a good idea to combine my 5 and 9 week old chicks?
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    Cream Legbar Chicks female
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    Got home from Tractor Supply and the power is out for thunderstorm, chicks are warming by the oil lamp
  7. chickens4life_13

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everybody! I'm new to this website but I've seen it advertised often while searching about chickens and other poultry. I'm not sure how to start this intro, so I'll just let these questions do it for me 💗 (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens my...
  8. Jstaz

    Removing Mama Hen from babies.

    In the coop to the left of the photo, I have eight week old babies along with mama. When they start laying, I plan on integrating them with my existing flock. My question is at what point do I remove mama from the babies because mama is from my in-laws flock as she was broody and hatched our 12...
  9. Rynoranch

    Sick chicks

    I have quite a few chicks that act like this. they walk around normal, and then they will lay down and look exhausted. Some of them stand with your eyes closed, and their heads dropped forward. They have been acting like this for about two weeks. I thought they were recovering from Coryza. My...
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    Good morning! I am a chicken newbie of one month. My mother raised ducks but I never liked them because they were mean to me as a toddler. We have three single-comb, brown leg, three Columbian Wyandotte, and two Barred Rock. The Wyandottes are the calmest. The three brown leg remind me of the...
  11. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    My Backyard Hobby Farm

    Hi everyone We have a little hobby farm in BC Canada 🇨🇦 if you are interested in polish chickens, call ducks, bantam Cochins, frizzle chickens, gardening and building chicken coops , please follow along on my YouTube channel We’re also on Facebook and...
  12. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    (Not sure where else to post) Uneven waddle on young Silkie?

    Just in case this could be illness-related I’m posting this here! Likely isn’t anything bad but a chicken parent is allowed to worry. I have a young Silkie, about 6-7 weeks old. Not sure of their sex yet, but at this point it’s leaning to cockerel unfortunately. Especially when looking at their...
  13. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    I have 4 chicks that are 2w 2d old from what I believe to be a cream legbar roo and for sure buff orpington hen. I do know there's no real way to tell at this point but I enjoy guessing and since these are my first chicks ever, thought I'd enlist some more experienced guessers to play along! My...
  14. Gretaga

    2 weeks old… is she molting ?

    Hi! This chick appears to be growing up differently than the other chicks that I assumed were the same breed when I purchased 10 from Tractor Supply. I’m not sure what’s going on. It could just be molting, but it’s around 3 weeks old and the others have barely gotten all their feathers and still...
  15. Gretaga

    2 weeks old… is she molting ?

    Hi! This chick appears to be growing up differently than the other chicks that I assumed were the same breed when I purchased 10 from Tractor Supply. I’m not sure what’s going on. It could just be molting, but it’s around 3 weeks old and the others have barely gotten all their feathers and...
  16. bacibeau

    HELP did my broody reject my chicks? what can I do?

    I waited until the sun set and went outside and tried to slip my two 1-day old chicks under my broody and she started pecking at them and we had to take the chicks out. Did we not wait long enough until the broody was fully asleep? It's hard because they can hear us approach and wake up. Could I...
  17. bacibeau

    Where Should I Put Food and Water for Chicks Raised by Broody?

    Hello Everyone! I am getting two new easter egger chicks that will be adopted by my speckled sussex broody hen. I am trying to get set up before they get here so that I don't have to interrupt them and mom for the first few hours. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should put their...
  18. bacibeau

    Which Chicks Should I Get for my Broody Hen

    Right now, I have 3 Speckled Sussex and 1 Buff Orpington and one of the Sussex is broody so we are getting her two chicks to raise. We have the choice between Road Island Reds or Easter Eggers but are unsure which to get? Do we get 2 RIRs, 2 Easter Eggers, or 1 of each? We are looking for...
  19. S

    Bantam babies

    Can anyone tell me what breed of bantams these are by chance? Also if the yellow one looks like a frizzle or if it just has some messed up wings 😂 All the brown with silver are the same chicks and all the pics of the yellow one are the same chick! Thanks in advance!
  20. M

    Thank you... New member.

    I have two chicken houses. I found that buying from 2 different hatches sometimes separates the pack. I have a lovely rooster. He is in with his two older babes and one is brooding her first clutch. The other female is the rooster's companion for now. I have another pen with six 1 yr old hens...
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