
  1. M

    Orpington Color Guesses? 🤎🤍🖤

    This Orpington chick is about 5-6 weeks old. The parent options are: white or buff roo lavender or chocolate hen They were all together and we don’t know who hatched what. Any ideas what color(s) this chick could be? And while we’re here - do we think it’s a pullet or cockerel? Thanks for...
  2. S

    Silkies 3 Day Old Chicks What Color Will They Grow to Be?

    I’m attaching pictures of my 3 day old silkie chicks. Would love if someone can tell me or give their best guess on what color they’ll be when they’re older! Also can you tell if they’re bearded or not? I’ve labeled the chicks with numbers in red. Thought that may be the best way to organize it...
  3. The Ranch Girl

    What color is this silkie?

    I’m just stumped on this one, I was thinking a splash silkie but the more feathers it gets the more I think otherwise. Do y’all have any Ideas? I’m super curious
  4. B

    Silkie colors

    What color are these? They’re supposedly 2 week old silkies and I thought they’d be white and buff but I’m new to chickens and their feathers are coming in different than I expected I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ tsc bantam straight runs with feathered feet and extra toes. I think the black on the first one is...
  5. Duck_life

    Need help with Colors (again)

    Okay so pair #1: Both produce normals or black white flighted babies. That's ALL they've ever produced for me... well to be fair they've only thrown me 6 babies but still 😂. It seems their one baby is turning white?? Like, not sure how to explain it (you'll see in the photos) (Pair 1) Baby's...
  6. IamHEC

    Why the black?

    Here is my Smokey Pearl, Pearl. Just courteous, why are her comb, waddle, and legs are black?
  7. zimileih

    Blue Australorp vs Black Australorp Personality?

    I was wondering on if anyone has experience with blue australorp personalities. I adore black australorps but wasn't sure if the blues focused more on color than personality. I'd love to hear yalls opinion on blue australorp behavior.
  8. McCluckster

    Lemon Blue Silkie Rooster?

    Hey there! One again back from a break to ask if this silkie rooster looks even a little bit close to Lemon Blue? I'm thinking about crossing Lemon Blue cochins with him to possibly make a Lemon Blue silkie. His mom was a buff, while his father was a black crossed blue(?). He hatched out...
  9. G

    Little Babies with Fun Genetics!

    I recently hatched 3 chickens! They are so so cute, but I was surprised by how two of them look! The black silkie, named Susuwatari, was from hatching eggs ordered online. The naked neck, Mr. Crocker, is a very beautiful cross between a large-combed green egg layer and a showgirl silkie roo mix...
  10. goatsandpeacocks

    What color is this/should i breed him?

  11. Cloverr39

    Is there a name for lavender silver penciled?

    I'd love to breed some lavender silver penciled chickens with black heads (which will be barely noticeable with the lavender, but still.) and I want to know if there is a name for that color or is it just called lavender silver penciled (or in my case, lav. silver penciled with charcoal)? Thanks!
  12. QuailLover224

    What colouring is this?

    Earlier this year I hatched 3 snowflake bobwhites from eggs bought from Ebay. They have all grown well with no issues but when they first hatched, I got this nearly pure white chick while the other two were just normal black and white. The white chick is now matured and she now has these brown...
  13. Cloverr39

    What color is this bantam cochin?

    I found these pictures while scrolling through pinterest. They are not mine. Credit to "Pekin Bantams RSA" I guess. I was looking at some bantam cochin pictures and came across these. Would this be lavender silver penciled?
  14. goatsandpeacocks

    What is this color?

    !SILKIES! I am trying to find out the color of this 5 month old chick. i dont know her dams color either but the chicks sire was chocolate Her Dam ⬇️
  15. thoeffel1994

    Barred vs rippled in Muscovy ducks?

    I was given 20 free Muscovies a few weeks ago and didn't know that barred and rippled Muscovies existed until this year. I always had the black and white pied color. It turns out that 5 of the new ones are either barred or rippled, but I'm not exactly sure about the difference. I haven't...
  16. AuntChickie

    Odd color egg ISA Brown

    My 4 ISA Browns have been laying for about a month now (hatch date March 10 2023) and have been consistently smooth rich brown eggs with strong shells today I get this lighter one with Etch-aSketch pattern Mostly free range in suburb backyard, layer pellets and cracked corn when they’re in...
  17. Cloverr39

    Would a BBS + paint pen be possible?

    I want to work towards BBS + paint in my silkies. I don't actually have a desire to breed splash right now, so it would be black, blue and paint. From my understanding if I bred a black rooster with my black, blue, blue cuckoo and paint hens I would get: Black, blue, cuckoo (males only), blue...
  18. J

    3 week old Brahma colours

    Hello! I’ve hatched three lovely Brahmas three weeks ago, can anyone help me figure out their colours? I was thinking maybe a gold partridge and an Isabella? Really not sure about the third one. Thanks!
  19. AJ916

    Easter Egger (Possibility of lavender or blue?)

    So this is a bit difficult to word the way I’m trying to ask, so correct me if it makes no sense but I have a bantam Easter egger who has the most beautiful coloring. She’s only about two months old but I’m very curious about her possible genetics. I know Easter Eggers are mixes and hatcheries...
  20. Patiocoturnix

    Quail color help

    So I have asked a couple of times about colors and don’t think I asked about this one I think it’s a scarlet. correct me if I’m wrong though I’m still new and don’t know all the colors.
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