
  1. E

    Young Chicken Death. Fighting? Roo issue?

    Hello! I am new to chickens and have done a fairly large amount of research but I am at a loss here. I have 3 young Ayam Cemani chickens, about 6 1/2 weeks old, that I raised from eggs...I went out to check on them and one was dead! just laying there lifeless. I have no idea what happened. I...
  2. D

    my ducks won't stay inside

    Hello, i have an issue with my ducks. this is my first winter with them and geese. here we get down to -30°C and lower, and have been hovering at that for a fair bit. every other animal stays inside their "homes" Not my Ducks... they are Always outside. and because of that they keep Dying. no...
  3. alexandhammy

    Mysterious Death in flock - Please help

    I have a flock of 2 drakes and 5 ducks, theyre in a closed coop with three roosters. I went into the coop today and one of the ducks had a broken neck. Nobody else was injured or dead. There was no blood, no apparent puncture wounds. I checked to see if she could have got stuck somewhere but...
  4. B

    Training rooster to fight or to run away

    I bought a rooster, Kuroiler, and I was free ranging him, His Brother was their too, with one of my RIR Hen, Just then an Aseel rooster jumped into action,and killed the kuroilers brother in One shot( I think he broke his neck), And the Kuroiler I was talking about at the beginning of the thread...
  5. S

    Starving chickens

    I have had 5 chickens for about 3 years with no problems. This spring one of them became broody, so I got 7 chicks for her from IFA. One failed to thrive and died after about 4 days. The rest seemed healthy. They grew into pullets and I was going to give my mom 4 of them, but suddenly one of the...
  6. emalin

    Rapid sudden death

    My seemingly healthy 1.5 yo Marans rooster died suddenly this morning. He was fine 5-10 minutes before. When I went back outside he was struggling on the ground then died within a minute or two. No sign of attack or parasites. Nothing obvious stuck in his airway. His feet were white though &...
  7. emalin

    Rapid sudden death

    My seemingly healthy 1.5 year old Marans rooster died suddenly this morning. He was fine 5-10 minutes before. When I went back outside he was struggling on the ground then died within a minute or two. No sign of attack or parasites. Nothing obvious stuck in his airway. His feet were white...
  8. SCchickengal

    Help! What happened?!

    Help! We have our first backyard flock of 9 hens. Our 3 original chicks were purchased in April of this year. They are a Barred Rock, a Buff Brahma, and a Columbia Rock Cross. They have lived peacefully together all of this time. We purchased 4 more pullets in July, and integrated them together...
  9. aimz127

    Lethargic then sudden death - Lice? Virus? Help

    I had a pullet (4+ month) orpington pass today and I don't know why. This is my first round of chickens and she was one of my favorites. She was lethargic yesterday but seemed to be eating/drinking. Today she was also lethargic and breathing heavy. I tried to give her nutridrench, but she...
  10. eslyder92

    SDS in Illinois

    I woke up this morning to find 4 of my 5 chickens (4 months old) laying on their backs dead. They were fine and happy yesterday and this morning they were dead I looked up what it might be and the only thing that seems right is Sudden Death Syndrome. I am now worried about my 5th chicken might...
  11. N

    My goose died and I don't know what went wrong

    I'm new to this site so I apologize if there are any errors. I have never raised geese and I bought a pair of goslings back in June. I have been keeping them in my garage until they grew their feathers in and now they live in my fenced yard full time. I lock them up at night in a coop for...
  12. K

    Chick is sad

    Yesterday, one of my two chicks died. I got them from a pet store and were sick when we picked them up. The male chicken has blue around his eyes and his eyes are shut with mucus. I used Q tips that were dipped in warm water to try to remove them, but its still there. I try to do it often. He is...
  13. K

    One of two chicks died.

    I got 2 chicks from a store on the 16th. They were both a little sick. We were going to get 3 chicks, but the mother didn’t want her to go. Unfortunately, we were informed that the 3rd had died, the mother was sick. The male chick has blue around his eyes, he doesn’t open them a lot. The female...
  14. M

    Chicken shaking head? Mystery symptoms?

    About a month ago, we lost a chicken to a mystery illness - scans revealed an enormous, possibly malignant tumor on which the vet could not operate, so we had to put her down. We now have another chicken with the same exact symptoms - she's lethargic, she's lost interest in things she loves, she...
  15. BluejaySerenade

    Memorial to Fern

    May 11th, 2020 - May 25th, 2021 One of our hens died last night. She was a sweet and loving hen, though shy at first. She was taken from us by a dreaded predator. She got too curious and stuck her head out of the chicken wire, and in turn, it got bit off. I miss her dearly. She was a gorgeous...
  16. R

    3 week old chick sudden death, ?Crop related

    Hi all, this afternoon I found one of my 3 week old chicks dead. I noticed last night she was acting a little “off”, wouldn’t lay down with the others and stood on her own sleeping. No fluffed feathers or obvious shortness of breath. Today when I picked her up I noticed her crop was full, and I...
  17. Blue Raptor

    Ever wanted to...

    Have you ever had something you always wished you could share about your flock?? Post it here *Never heard before stories!* about any flock member(s)!
  18. B

    SLW hen death... hurting + looking for insight

    My favorite hen died two days ago after being sick for around 3-4 days. She was a SLW, only 14 months old... I would have said she was my healthiest animal if you'd asked a week ago. She was strong and adventurous, her voice was sweet and musical. She had such a pretty voice! I couldn't...
  19. Diveks

    Possible cause of seizures and death?

    my 5 year old polish hen was doing well this morning but suddenly at 12 she had a seizure and died soon after. i am not sure what might have caused this. i had one other hen with her which i guess needs a friend now. I am devastated since i hand raised these two chicks and they had been through...
  20. D

    Ducklings dying

    Hello, I ordered 4 golden layer ducks from mypetchicken. I received them yesterday morning, when I first set them out they were all active and drinking and eating. A couple hours passed and one became lethargic and soon passed away. That night the rest continued to be relatively active, two a...
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