egg bound

  1. Animal family

    Quackers isnt herself

    My duck Quackers was hiding in her house when I got home today around 3pm. I can’t figure out what’s wrong, she is quiet and isn’t interested in food. Usually when I get home she and her drake greet me at the door and want snacks. Lots of talking and eating goes on. She hasn’t laid an egg for...
  2. Jordan01

    What's this chicken doing?!

    My hen rose is doing this, I don't know if she's egg bound or if this is normal laying behavior. She seems to be having trouble what do I do!? Please help Here's link to video
  3. C

    Egg bound hen

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and actually joined because one of my 3 chickies became egg bound and I'm needing some after care advice. I apologize in advance for the very long post. It's the first time I've tried to treat an egg bound chicken. You could see the empty egg shell (which...
  4. H

    Egg Bound Hen?

    Hi everyone! I have a two year old Buff Orpington hen who has recently fallen ill. She hasn’t been laying any eggs, lost weight, poor appetite, pale comb and wattles, and overall listlessness. We took her to the vet who did an x-Ray and discovered a mass in her stomach (perhaps an egg, rock...
  5. Meg7730

    Post fly strike stench, infection?

    My 3 year old brown hen(sorry idk what kind?) had maggots all over her bum yesterday! I talked with a vet and went to our feed store and got mild equine fly spray and used that on her...SO MANY CAME OUT IT WAS SO GROSS! I had to use tweezers and will never be the same. I also got some Banixx...
  6. Berryslippers

    Help! My hen is sick!

    HELP,!!! My beautiful ex-battery hen, Brittany isn't doing well. She is sitting around puffed up with eyes closed and seemed to be sitting in egg white but I couldn't find the shell. (I've been dealing with soft shelled eggs for weeks and giving her extra calcium, but she lays eggs at a rapid...
  7. FairyFowl

    UPDATED / Resolved - Egg bound confirmed but on internal exam has skin in the way

    UPDATE - good news, went to lift her to give calcium tablets and egg has been laid. Gave calcium anyway. She is now standing and eating! Phew Hi, I have an ex battery hen. Had her for 5 days. She is one of six. I'm not sure if she has ever laid while she's been with me but she is definitely...
  8. A

    Help! Very sick chicken.

    Hi, I'm new here. I have a silkie hen less than a year old. Yesterday when I went in the coop to feed them she was on the ground and couldn't get up. Whenever I would touch her or pick her up she would lose her balance and spread her wings out and go head first down and put her but up in the...
  9. F

    One RIR Left

    Hi All! This is my first post so hopefully I cover everything here necessary to get some help. Thanks for letting me join this great community! We got our first RIRs a little over a year ago now and things were going great so we decided to introduce two more two months ago. We purchased the...
  10. PiGE0N

    Chicken suddenly sick, laid a ruptured egg??

    I have a white Easter Egger, Sushi, who suddenly looked under the weather today, she was standing alone and felt weak, I was only able to feel a bit of food in her crop. I offered her some pigeon feed that she loves to eat but had no interest, she didn't have interest in drinking either or soggy...
  11. auce99

    Is it a Blocked Intestine or Egg Binding?

    Hi all! I have a 2yr-old Pekin duck (female named Thelma) that has suddenly become unwell, and I'm not sure what to do. Background: She lost her buddy (another female Pekin) back in September, and hasn't laid any eggs since around that time. We have two Runners, as well, that she pals around...
  12. house.of.ducks

    EMERGENCY: sick or injured duck please help!!

    I came home today and my female welsh harlequin duck who’s a little under a year old was laying in the kiddie pool. I was wondering why she didn’t run away when my 3 year old cousin ran up to to her try and pet her. Turns out she can’t walk. All she will do is lay on the ground with her legs...
  13. UpstateNY85

    Egg bound for 6 days

    We have a flock of 8 Rhode Island reds. They are about 1 year old. I have 1 hen that is egg bound. I noticed her symptoms starting this past Saturday (4 days ago) with the runny poop and lots of poop caked on her back end. I removed her from the flock on Sunday after noticing her behavior-...
  14. jaymean

    Sick Coturnix Quail and Sad Cagemate

    Sometime last night, my favorite Japanese coturnix quail passed. She was lethargic for the past few days, but she seemed really bad last night. I thought she was egg bound, but I've never experienced it before. I just got this based off of watching videos and reading posts/articles online. Her...
  15. S

    3 Sick Hens, 1 Of Which Has Stuck Broken Egg? Please Help.

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if I could have some advice for three of my hens. One of them is an Americana, she will be 5 years old later this month and still lays regularly. However she also regularly needs our help getting the eggs out. This morning when we went out, she was standing under...
  16. E

    Egg Bound Chickens

    I need advice from you experienced chicken-raisers: Over the last month we've had 3 egg-bound chickens. (Two died. The third we realized was egg bound when we butchered her.) They were three different breeds, one chicken was over a year old, the other 2 less than a year. They have plenty of...
  17. T

    2 hens and 1 rooster - health problems

    I had 4 chickens and now only 3 left. I would like to discuss one by one and all of 'em of approx 2 years of age now:- Name Meer: Male: He has lost interest in food but eats sometimes and drinks a lot. He also takes care of her fellow hens and dose does not interfere when hens eat from the pot...
  18. B

    Chicken laying in bottom of coop barely breathing

    Hi, I have an 8 month old peking cross hen. She has been laying at the bottom of the coop on the straw breathing shallowly and looking very floppy. When I went in to check food this morning at 06:30 she was up and eating layer pellets even though it was dark. She also fell over yesterday. I...
  19. VHoff

    Broody vs Egg Bound- How do you know?

    Hello everyone- I'm a newbie to chicken rearing and need some advice: how do you tell the difference between a broody hen and an egg bound hen? I have four pullets, three of whom have just started laying in the last couple weeks, and a boss hen who was the first to lay and has produced an egg...
  20. RUNuts

    kind of egg bound, maybe?

    Have an 8 month old leghorn (Ideal 236) cross. She is one of the top hens and feisty. 3 days ago she was not acting normally. I caught and felt her abdomen and there is an egg there. Massaged and rubbed. She is eating and pooping - witnessed both and her bottom is dirty and getting dirtier...
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