eye advice

  1. C

    Eye issue

    My beautiful speckled Sussex girl has either got her head into something or had fowl pox and scratched the spots. I've cleaned it with salty water and put some betadine on the spots and got antibiotics drops today. I'm very concerned is there anything else I can do here? It did have a few...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Chick with eyes stuck shut?

    I’ve got a chocolate Orpington chick that been getting its eyes stuck shut a lot. It started happening a couple weeks ago and I just thought it might be a cold or too dusty in the brooder. So I tried changing the substrate from shaving to a stringy hay with very little dust and added vitamins...
  3. mindy_marvelmom

    Swelling/infection around eye, hard to the touch

    We’ve been cleaning it and treating it with anti microbial pet eye gel for the past week and a half. The swelling went down some, but it still looks like this. It’s hard to the touch, and has a bad smell (smells like infection). Her breathing is kind of raspy so we wonder if it is sinus related...
  4. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Hi all! I’m new to BYC, however, I’ve been looking up amazing advice here since 2014. We are a family of four and like many, started with 6 chicks and ending up with 20, lol. Well, last week we received our first ever shipped chicks, 16 of them (to meet the minimum of course). We ordered...
  5. Pbaxter

    Rooster with bulging eye, loss of vision

    Hello, I have a Blue Americauna rooster who is 10 months old. A couple of weeks ago, we noticed that he had gone blind from one eye. No sign of bleeding or injury. Just a discolored, swollen eye. However, as time has passed, the eye is bulging more and more. Today, it’s bulging a lot more...
  6. KrishnaChick

    His eye swelling has gone down, but not completely. We would love recommendations! Normal behavior, maintaining weight, slight nasal discharge

    I found him on the road in the middle of nowhere with a swollen eye and bony. We found out at the vet he weighed less than 12oz! We got a round of antibiotics and I have been putting terramycin in his eye, but it’s not completely gone. I’d love to get him healthy and introduced to the flock...
  7. J

    Cyst in hens eye or something else?

    Hi there! We noticed that our beloved Ms. Beags had a weird growth protruding from her eye earlier today, but cannot for the life of us figure out what it is/what to do about it. She seems fine otherwise (no signs of resp illness, mites, etc.) though she has a substantial amount of plucked...
  8. loyalcrowlist

    10 week old chick closing left eye

    I have a 10 week old BYM chick. They're active, alert, eating and poop properly. There seems to be nothing in their eye - no discharge, no swelling - but they pretty consistently close their left eye. Nothing else is raising a red flag to me as everything else is normal and they're one of my...
  9. B

    What is going on with my baby chick’s eye??

    My baby chick is four weeks old, a few days ago her left eye was extremely swollen it looked as if she scratched her lid right off. I’ve put Neosporin on it, it was looking better but today this red area/broken skin showed up looking worse than it’s ever been. Could it be she scratched it again...
  10. A

    Chicken’s eye looks odd, other one is normal

    Hello! I recently posted about my other girl, thinking she may have mareks, but I’m still not sure. Now, I have one of her sisters who has something off putting with her eye. Other eye looks completely normal, and the other 3 (including my separated girl) are normal looking. I’m wondering if...
  11. Hella ChiCken

    What’s happening with her eye…

    This is Scrambles she’s my three year old chicken. Somethings wrong with her eye. It’s only on one side it’s covered up like in the pictures but the other side fine and now she’s kind of like lethargic. It just started this morning. She was fine last night when she went to bed I don’t know...
  12. A

    Could this be Ocular Mereks? What to do

    I wasn’t sure how to post a picture but the link below goes to a picture of the hens eye. I’ve never seen an eye look like this and her other eye looks completely normal. She is definitely blind or partially blind in the affected eye. I’m not sure if it’s an injury or if she is sick and could...
  13. L

    Hen one eye closed/swollen please help!

    Hi one of my hens right eye recently been closed and is swelling. I suspect one of my other hens pecked it as I checked inside the eye but didn't see anything stuck, but seems her eye is hurting. When I open her eyelids, I can see she's moving her eye & blinking, so seems functional...
  14. BlackRaven27

    Gosling with eye issues

    Hello all - I am seeking some advice or thoughts on my one gosling who has a bulgy eye (photos attached). The one with the drawn white circles is likely 12 or so hours after she first hatched. I noticed it in a video I took of the goslings after the woman I sold her to complained of her having...
  15. K

    Baby chick with eye issue

    I have a two week old welbar chick with an eye issue. She might be getting pecked at but tonight when I picked her up I noticed she had a little wood chip in her eye I got it out. I’m sure that didn’t help her eye issue. I’m not sure if it is an infection or it’s irritated. I will attach a...
  16. A

    Red flap in chicks eye

    My four week old chick has this flap in her eye. I’ve been flushing it with saline but she does rub it. No other symptoms present.. it does seem to be attached, any ideas?
  17. M

    Strange dark eye is concerning

    I’m currently nursing a hen with frostbitten toes. She’s doing very well, I have her with a companion though and I noticed something strange about the companion hen’s eye. Both girls are rescues* (*we didn’t know how much they were neglected when we purchased them) from a hatchery. We got them...
  18. ChickenAJ

    Ari's Eye

    I've got a 10 week old Easter Egger who is having an issue with her eye. Likely I am just an overworried "mother hen," but wanted to make sure it isn't anything more serious. You can see in the picture that her left eye is closed, none of the beard is irritating the eye. Yesterday and today are...
  19. M

    Does anyone know what is happening to my chicken's eye?

    Hi all, First time chicken owner here. One of my chicken's eyes looks swollen, and it looks like she has been losing feathers around it (the patch looks bigger this week than last week). I am wondering if anyone knows what might be happening? Ear infection? This is definitely the lowest of the...
  20. ryansmom06

    Eye issue

    I have a 5 week old chick that has an eye that “I’ll say waters” It’s been that way since she was a day old. It’s not bubbly and she or the others have no other symptoms. Any suggestions would be awesome.
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