eye injury

  1. TheCountryBoy

    An angry broody hen pecked me in the eye

    Earlier today one of my Old English Game Bantams wasn’t happy with me and pecked me in the eye. I’m not sure if I closed my eye when it did hit me but it hurts a lot. Me and my family are closely monitoring my eye for infection and we have eye drops on standby if one is spotted. Mainly what I...
  2. Papaye

    Newborn Indian Runner duckling with a piece of eggshell stuck in one eye

    Hi. Ducklings are being born today, and I found one of them with a white, weird discharge in one eye : (Sorry : I could not take a better picture!!) Of course, when I saw it, I took the duckling from its mama to get it inside of my house in order to get rid of this discharge : I was afraid...
  3. R

    Rooster’s eyes pecked out by predator

    Hi all, I’ve had backyard chickens for 3 years and had my third hawk attack last night. Lost one of my 8 hens. When I found my rooster, he was tangled up in the fence and appeared to be dead. I realized he was breathing but called a neighbor to come put him out of his misery. But when my...
  4. Quacking ducks

    Hen pecked in the eye by the Rooster

    What should I do for my hen? I went out this afternoon and she was walking around with one eye closed. I walked up to her and tried to get her to open her eye, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t open it. I can make it come open, but she opens her beak a little like it hurts. My roosters been beating...
  5. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  6. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Hi all! I’m new to BYC, however, I’ve been looking up amazing advice here since 2014. We are a family of four and like many, started with 6 chicks and ending up with 20, lol. Well, last week we received our first ever shipped chicks, 16 of them (to meet the minimum of course). We ordered...
  7. D

    What is wrong with my chicken’s eye?

    What is wrong with my chickens eye and can I clean it/remove it. The outer casing is hard. She is eating well and moving about okay. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. M

    Is the a healing injury or something more?

    I’m new to chickens. Does this discoloration on her eyelid look like a healing peck/scratch or something more serious?
  9. J

    Chick with sunken, “shifted”, and watery ey

    One of my buff Orpingtons has an odd eye. It’s not a birth defect because it was in perfect condition when I bought it over a month ago. The eyeball itself is sunken and shifted out of alignment from it’s original position. The bottom lid is slightly droopy and there’s water accumulating in the...
  10. E

    Eye Injury + Balance Issues

    After a year and half of having backyard chickens and no problems with predators, it happened the other night (we think a raccoon). My partner and I woke up to a horrible sound and immediately grabbed the flashlights and went towards it. Flash forward and all hens were alive but one sustained...
  11. OnTheRoadLessTraveled

    Swollen Eye / Cloudy Eye - help!

    I’ve tried searching through the threads and can’t seem to find something similar— also researched for two days now what could be wrong- so thanks for any help! I have about an 11 week cockoo Maran whose one eye is swollen, shut most of the time, and when she opens it’s clouded over with...
  12. K

    Baby chick can’t see to eat or drink due to injury!

    I have a baby chick that cannot open either of her eyes. She cannot see to eat or drink. I’ve been using a syringe to give her drops of water with electrolytes. I’m unsure how much she needs and how often. I tried to give her scrambled eggs but she will not peck for food. Is there anything I...
  13. kurby22

    Pecking injuries or something worse??

    Our sweet rooster Ruby looks like this and we can’t find evidence of anyone else in the run having fought with him, but this looks like injuries from fighting? I have quail and seen many brutal pecking injuries, but never this bad with chickens so it has me concerned I’m missing something. Am I...
  14. 5

    Bad eye

    Hey all, this one chick’s eye/face was kind of pressed up against the side of the incubator when it hatched (and possibly had the shell scratch it as well when it flopped out). It was one of the last to hatch and also seems smaller than the rest. I’ve been watching it, but am wondering if it’s...
  15. L

    Hen one eye closed/swollen please help!

    Hi one of my hens right eye recently been closed and is swelling. I suspect one of my other hens pecked it as I checked inside the eye but didn't see anything stuck, but seems her eye is hurting. When I open her eyelids, I can see she's moving her eye & blinking, so seems functional...
  16. P

    Help me rescue this chickies eye?

    This is my first set of chickens and I’m already feeling overwhelmed. Please help 🙏 We got them last Friday and almost immediately two of the chicks started pecking at the other’s eyes. I thought they may need more space so went and quickly bought a baby play pen to give them ample room. No...
  17. E

    Help! Is this coryza or an infection due to injury?

    I found her lethargic 8/17 with her eye closes and swollen, head cocked to the side and separated from the flock. I put her in quarantine and began treating with saline solution. Little to no improvement. Began treating with terramycin directly in eye + saline why removing pus 2x daily. She...
  18. E

    Unresponsive chicken in shock

    Hi, I have a 2 year old silkie who was swooped by a magpie today and has caused an injury to her eye. Immediately after the attack she went into what I think is shock but it has now been over 6 hours and she is still laying in a basket of towels unresponsive. If I touch her she has what seems to...
  19. J

    Rooster got into fight, Right eye(near sight)

    Bad Rooster fight..what could it be?
  20. ECrow

    Eye injury - swelling, blind, oozing

    I just noticed one of my hens has an injured eye. I don’t know how it happened, I’ve had her separated from my flock for a couple weeks now because she’s been aggressive with the other hens, so it wasn’t a fight between chickens. There are bees in her area, but I’ve never had a hen get stung...
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