first time flock owner

  1. newb1rdmom

    New and my keets are dying!

    I'm new to raising keets so I'm not entirely sure what to do but I've done my best to research as much as possible. I ended up with 19 keets when a mother guinea hatched her eggs and left one behind. I took in the lone keet to try and raise it well enough to return it to the mother but then got...
  2. M

    Does anybody know if Ameracuana chicks mature faster than Orpington's?

    We started raising our Blue and Silver Orpington chicks last June and they turned into beautiful sweet ladies who are laying regularly for us. About 4 weeks ago we brought home some newly hatched Ameracuanas. They are so far super sweet and inquisitive if just a bit timid. But it seems to us...
  3. Autumn B

    Duckling to duck feed change

    So the place we got our ducks from suggested we start our ducklings off with chick feed. Well they are getting so big, I was wondering if there is a time im suppose to get them to start eating more mature duck feed, like pellets, or if they are fine eating the chick feed.
  4. Chickie_Mama_4

    Chick 4wks old SICK/slowly dying HELP!

    I'm a first timer raising chicks. I bought 3 Rhode Island Reds from my local feed store 3 weeks ago. A few days after I bought the 3, I went back and got one more (different breed, it's black, IDK what it is) from the same feed store. About 4 days ago I noticed one of the Reds was acting...

    Coop for Silkies

    Hello! We are getting some silkie chicks in a couple weeks and are looking for some advice on a perfect silkie coop. We have their chick pen set up, and we have a large yard with a large run just for chickens, but the coop that was left for us is very small and in poor shape. We are looking for...
  6. RaeLynne


    Hi Cynthia & those I’m sure I’ll soon become acquainted with. I’m RaeLynne. This is my first year to ever do anything w/chickens & now I’m mama to 12 6 Americaunas & 6 Buff Orpingtons❤️ So far they’re doing wellTy Jesus & Cynthia. I just had to enlarge their run-they grow so fast I’ll post pics...
  7. J

    First time flock raiser coming in March... yikes!

    Hi All, My name is Jake and I just recently moved to Baltimore County, MD. My wife and two little girls (3.5 years and 8 months) decided we want to start our own little flock in our backyard for eggs. Neither my wife or I, or our girls for that matter, have ever owned chickens or have any...
  8. A

    Chick falling over

    Help!! I’m a first time flock owner. My 3-4 month old chick was leaning yesterday. I quickly brought her inside and treated her for what I thought could be dehydration. Her neck kept tilting to the right, and she was working hard to correct it. Today, it seems she can barely stand, still falling...
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