foot injury

  1. Navigator73

    Chicken With Injured Leg

    I have a 7mo Sapphire Splash hen that’s been limping for about a week. She doesn’t seem able to put weight on her “heel”, the part of the foot next to the back toe. I don’t see an obvious injury. Skin intact, no swelling. She seems healthy otherwise. I thought at first she may be having a...
  2. R

    Injured Foot

    I have a 4 month old chicken that has had an injury for over a week now. She's been limping and resting a lot. I'm not sure if this is the same one but when I was working and took a step back, I accidentally stepped on one of their foot. When it screamed, I lifted my foot immediately. By the...
  3. MissGreenJeans

    Small cut on foot: treat or leave be?

    Hi there! One of my girls appears to have a very small cut on the top of one toe. Pic attached. It’s dry, and I don’t see any swelling. I read some posts that advised soaking in epsom salts, applying triple antibiotic and/or wrapping in gauze and vet wrap. I can do those things…but I wonder if...
  4. BoradorBeans

    Please tell me this isn't a bone 🤢🤮

    Of course, leave it to my ducks... my pampered spoiled rotten ducks to get into trouble and give me heart attacks. Here's baby Delly (approx. 3-4 weeks?), a Pekin we rescued from a horrendous market. She was aspirated and recovered with nebulizer and antibiotics. Now this. A cut on her...
  5. LilHitzel

    Slight Scrape on Foot

    My girl got a very, very slight scrape on her foot. Just enough to peel back some skin. I cleaned it with soap, water and peroxide, treated it with Neosporin and wrapped it with what I had on hand. How long should it stay wrapped? It’s not much more than a paper cut.
  6. A

    Limping roo

    Yesterday I noticed my rooster limping. The foot shown is the one he is favoring. It doesn't seem to look like bumblefoot, does it? Any advice? Maybe he stepped on a thorny blackberry bush?
  7. L

    Canada goose with a possibly broken joint

    Hello there, I could really use an advice from people who have geese and had experience with injuries in the ankle area. I have lots of experience with chickens but none with geese. I saw this poor little guy in a park. He hopped on one leg, raising the other. I brought him home, examined the...
  8. K

    Bumblefoot treatment

    My duck has been walking normally up until yesterday when I noticed she was limping quite harshly. It definitely appears she has Bumblefoot, she has the black scab on the bottom foot pad. I did an Epsom salt bath, and some skin peeled off and was bleeding but nothing was coming out so we sprayed...
  9. M

    Foot injury ?

    I just noticed a piece of mud or poop on my 5 week old chickens toe. I soaked it in warm water and got it to come off. However, it totally left an indent and his foot is misshapen! It looks like his toe nail could easily be pulled off it is like dangling on from the indent. Is he ok? What can I...
  10. zinnia_flower

    Swollen side of foot - toe injury?

    Hi all! My apologies for not having better close ups of the possible injury. I have a 2 year old Wyandotte hen who suddenly has a swollen side of her foot. It seems to be stemming from the area of her back toe and wrapping around the side. The swelling is firm and not exceptionally hot. I...
  11. C

    Foot swollen and splitting

    Can anyone tell me what might be going on with this? Our Polish hen flew over the run fence and started limping. Her foot and leg felt swollen and hot. After two days, the scales on the top of her foot split apart, and it’s just gotten worse since then. It has been a month. We’ve tried epsom...
  12. PileatedFarms

    Hurt chicken foot

    Hi! This morning as I was moving a cinderblock in our 10 week old juvie pen, one of the hens got her foot caught under the cinderblock (read: I needed to be more careful and she came out of nowhere) She has no external injuries, but now a few hours later is limping. She has let me touch and...
  13. C

    Chicken foot help

    I recently got a two year old rooster from someone in the city. He seemed healthy friendly and was just missing a few toes from a past injury. The rooster is currently limping on his feet and holding his foot up. His feet and toes seem swollen and he just stands around in the snow all day. The...
  14. C

    is this bumble foot or just a scar?

    hi there, our whiting hen has a brown raised bump/scar on the bottom of her foot. see pics. there’s no redness, no heat, no limping, no sign of infection. in fact i never would have known she had the bump if i hadn’t been doing a semi-routine foot check. she seems entirely unbothered about...
  15. CalBickieMomma

    Help! Pullet favoring her right foot …

    Hello Chicken People, I have a young Black Sex Link pullet (about 5 months old who started laying two weeks ago) who has been favoring her right foot. I noticed it two days ago - she wasn’t quite limping but she was keeping just enough weight off of it for me to notice. I have looked at her...
  16. Meidvsalith

    13 Days Old Chick - Injured Foot?

    I went to check on my chicks and Icaria my feather legged Olive Egger chick’s foot looked like this. I don’t remember it being this way yesterday. She is moving fine, no limping. It’s not actively bleeding. Should I be worried? Thanks for any advice in advance.
  17. DemeChick

    How do I treat a swollen foot that was tangled in a vine?

    Yesterday evening, I found my little polish rooster sitting under a bush. It was about 30 minutes after I had last seen him. As I tried to coax him out I realized one of his legs was pulled straight up behind him tangled tightly in a dead vine. I guess he was roosting in the large bush and as he...
  18. Aschuchert

    Bumblefoot - infection

    Hi, we have an old hen that's had a reoccurring bumblefoot infection. She's got it again, treating fot 3 weeks now and this time the silver sulphdiazine is not treating the infection. My question is can injectible penicillin treat this type of infection with results? She doesn't lay often any...
  19. violetgriffith

    Bloody foot, help!!

    One of our hens has bloody feet. her left foot is worse than the right, and I have no idea what happened, but she's acting normal. I was going to go out and attempt to clean it/put Neosporin on it, but I'm not really sure what to do. she is almost a year old, and we live in Massachusetts and...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mysterious Hard Lump on Joint

    I recently noticed a hard lump on the inner side of one of my 1.5 y/o RIR's ankles (around where her foot meets her leg). It does not feel warm to the touch, and is quite hard. It seems a bit pinkish, but it's hard to tell, because all of my chickens' feet get a little splotchy and pink when...
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