
  1. GlicksChicks

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Today while I was collecting seeds from my Cauliflower seed pods I was thinking about the seed pods opening up on their own when I wasn't around, and that got me thinking even more.. What if I made a garden section where I left the plants, partially, to their own devices. I would still water...
  2. urbangardengirl

    Gardening Day!

    My girls love when I work in the garden. They chirp and get so excited, they just KNOW that any minute I will be throwing them a worm or grub. My fruit and nut trees are all in bloom, figs are starting to show, sunflowers are waking up, and my first tulip has popped up to say Welcome Spring...
  3. BackyardBurtons

    Hi! New to Backyard Homestead & Community

    Hi there, We’re newish to backyard chickens. We got our hens as chicks this past spring and now they are happily laying. We have two isa browns and two leghorns. Four provide more than enough eggs than our family of two (soon to be three!) can eat. We love being able to share the abundance with...
  4. Chickensaurus Rex

    How to fence in areas off-limits to chickens in a way that looks nice?

    The title is my question! My girls are BIG and started laying for the first time ever yesterday!! I'm so thrilled and proud of them. 😂It's almost September which means it's time to start a big garden conversion project. The basic gist is I have a 2000sqft fenced in side yard thanks to previous...
  5. aziegler17


  6. charlierca04

    Designs for chicken lovers

    Hello guys, this is my new designs i made for chicken lovers, what you think of them?
  7. ShrekDawg

    Dawg’s Gardening Thread!!!

    I know there’s several gardening threads already but I wanted one central place where I could post my endeavors and not have to post a million different places and times all over the forums hahah so here it goes. I’m hoping to have a huge garden this year but we’ll see. So far I have a lot...
  8. Anime2lover

    What did your bunnies do today?

    Took my bunnies into the garden for some fun and digging today.
  9. K

    Vegetable garden/chicken run with Bantams?

    Hey all. I want to fence two runs about 1722 square ft/160 M2 each with fenced 4x8 chicken coop and 215sq ft/20 m2 compost run. In one year chickens will have first run. The second one will be a vegetable garden. One need just to simply rotate vegetables and chickens. I know that standard...
  10. Iluveggers

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I follow the “What did you do in your garden today” thread, and the “Whatcha Making for supper” thread. I thought it would be cool for those of us who have gardens to share recipes and meals that we are making seasonally to give others some inspiration for food ideas! Today at lunch I did not...
  11. A


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I hatched my first set of chickens last summer. Leghorn, Easter Eggers, Americana and Lace Wyandotte. I purchased a couple more from TSC: Rhode Island Red and Sapphire Gem. I hatched another batch of eggs this spring to add Cream...
  12. PioneerChicks

    Pot gardening thread!!!

    I'm getting into pot gardening this year! I've gardened in beds and raised house plants and mint in pots but this will be my first time raising tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, etc. in containers. Please give advice, share your experiences and what you're trying this year, and simply chat about...
  13. The chicken nurd

    How do you keep your chickens out of your garden

    I’ve been struggling to grow anything because my hens like to eat anything that comes up any tips on keeping chickens out of the garden
  14. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Garden question: Moldy seed problem

    I’ve been trying on and off to grow cacao seed with the same issue every time. They always develop some kind of fungus or mold. It gets to their center and kills off the taproot- rotting it off. I’ve never had this problem with other plants and I grew these as I’ve grown any other. In fact I...
  15. DuckDuckJuice

    Duck Garden Ideas?

    Hi again, all! I have a question for everyone that is thankfully positive, for once. We are going to be redoing the backyard this spring, planting micro clover instead of grass, adding berry bushes, raised planters to keep our veggie garden safe from the ducks, etc. We have a stretch along the...
  16. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster Garden Paradise Project

    Starting this thread to record the progress of turning a wheat field into a garden/chicken paradise. At least that is my goal... we shall see how it turns out. I grew up in the Seattle area but I've always dreamt about getting away from the people and living off the land. I've started and left...
  17. Diveks

    reptile coco husk? Go or no go?

    So my chickens don’t really have a run and just run around my garden. Well they have killed all the grass at this point so its starting to get pretty muddy in the garden. I wanted to cover it up with something so it won’t be so muddy. I have some reptiles and i had an idea of using coco husk...
  18. Beccatrix

    New Duck Mom Questions

    Hello! After spending the last few days doing reading in books and online, I have a few questions about prepping for our spring arrivals. I'm in Wisconsin. Our birds will be all female; pets, layers, and garden keepers. We have 13.5 acres, primarily wooded besides the gardens. 2 acres are...
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