golden laced wyandotte

  1. Spellbound4u

    Best time to sex chicks by appearance?

    I am curious when the best time to post pictures of my chicks is. I need some help sexing them, but I don't want to try too early. I am already second guessing myself constantly lol my chicks are currently 7.5 weeks old. I have 2 California whites, 2 lavender orpingtons, and 2 golden laced...
  2. C

    Suspected ameraucana and golden laced Wyandotte roo

    We have 13 new chicks that are about 6 weeks old. I am suspecting that the ameraucana and golden laced Wyandotte might be roos. Would you mind giving me your opinion?? The ameraucana is bigger than all the others. S/he is sweet and non-aggressive although very independent (which is our...
  3. H

    Does Mating Hurt The Hen?

    Hi all! So I recently got a 5 month old Rhode Island Red mix rooster named Harvey from a rescue. He’s a very sweet rooster. He’s nice with people and the hens and is not aggressive. I introduced him to the hens yesterday and they largely ignored him but he tried his best to win them over. Today...
  4. S

    Southeast Indiana

    New to BYC. Southeast Indiana, Switzerland County, on the Ohio River and border Southwest Ohio and Norrhern Kentucky. Flock for sale. Golden Comet Hens-21 Golden Comet Rooster-1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen-1 Easter Egger Hen-1 Golden Comet Gold Laced cross chick (hen)-1 Royal Palm Turkey Hen...
  5. H

    Chicken Show Help!

    Hi all! I wasn't sure what what category to put this thread in so I just put it in this one. I'm interested in entering one or two of my hens in a poultry show. They are both very beautiful and have the right temperaments for it, I think. They are a Buff Brahma and a Lavender Orpington. I have...
  6. H

    Hen keeps getting bullied! Help!

    Hi all! I have a Golden Laced Wynadotte hen that has been being bullied by my other hens (Buff Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock, Lavender Orpington and a Partridge Olive Egger) They have been pecking at her feet until it draws blood and she is limping heavily. They also sometimes grab at her neck...
  7. BY Bob

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride. First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them...
  8. samzoost

    Is a noisy chick an indication of a rooster?

    Hi! I have a silver laced wyandotte i recently got along with a silkie who had a broken leg. both are about one week old. the SLW loves to sing, though. I got her because i wanted the silkie to have a companion as she's probably going to be disabled for her whole life. i'm worried because she is...
  9. samzoost

    Sexing Golden Laced Wyandotte?

    Hello! I need help sexing my 6 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte. She/He was very outgoing from the start- liked to jump on my hand and peck at me. Super duper curious. Started out at the bottom of the pecking order but now they are all (I have 4) starting to mature and things are changing...
  10. C

    Pullet not clucking?

    Hello all! I am new here to BYC and super happy to have finally joined. I've learned so much just scrolling through the forums, so it'll be neat to finally be a part of it! Sorry if my question is in the wrong subthread, just let me know and ill move it! So around the first week June of this...
  11. samzoost

    Light Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red together?

    Hello all! I have recently decided to build my backyard chicken run! Woohoo! While this is a super exciting time, it's also really stressful because I want to do everything right to ensure that I have a happy and healthy flock. Here's my sitch: I live in Minnesota- which means winters reach 30...
  12. Peachfuzz221

    My chickens <3

    This is Paco, my Light Brahma Rooster. We got him from a friend at a few months old after our rooster, Pollo, grew mean. He has six Light Brahma hens in his flock and is the sweetest guy! He loves to eat out of your hand and pouts if he does not get to, loves to talk to people, and is a super...
  13. Napping_6wks


    A good place to take a nap! About 6 weeks old. All feathered in now!
  14. Napping_6wks


    A good place to take a nap! About 6 weeks old. All feathered in now!
  15. Goldie and Enid_6wks

    Goldie and Enid_6wks

    Goldie -(left) and Enid (right) at about 6 weeks old. All feathered in now!
  16. Enid_6wks


    Enid at about 6 weeks old. All feathered in now!
  17. All together_6wks

    All together_6wks

    The chicks free ranging together at about 6 weeks old. Goldie (front left), Hazel (back left), and Enid (right). All feathered in now!
  18. Enid_6wks


    Enid at about 6 weeks old. All feathered in now!
  19. Goldie_6wks


    Goldie at about 6 weeks old. All feathered in now and she's turning into a real pretty girl!
  20. Eilsel

    What could I expect my chicks to look like...

    So, while my babies are still just 4.5 weeks old and I'm impatiently waiting to post new photos of my suspected cockerel... now I'm coming to terms that Caramel may indeed be a boy (his crest is soooo pink). What would be any interesting/fun characteristics of a Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster...
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